The United States will continue to implement visa restrictions on Chinese officials involved in Tibetan human rights issues. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that as an counter -dictation, China will be peering on US officials who have promoted sanctions against China on human rights issues.Take visa restrictions.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lin Jian on Wednesday (July 17) said at a regular press conference that the United States deliberately spread false information, discredit Chinese human rights, and appreciates visa restrictions on Chinese officials.China's internal affairs seriously violate the basic criteria of international law and international relations.The Chinese side strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed this, and has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

Lin Jian said that, as an countermeasure, China will take a visa restriction on U.S. officials who have compiled a lie on the human rights issues related to China and promote the introduction of sanctions on China and harm the interests of China.

Lin Jian emphasized that the United States has no rights and qualifications to comment on the human rights situation of other countries and say three and four.He said: "The international community has already seen the issue of human rights in the United States clearly, and feels deeply disgusted. If the United States really cares about human rights, it should abandon dual standards, take pictures of mirrors, first look at the country's human rights worse, and effectively solve the solution.Domestic human rights issues accumulated in the mountains, instead of interfered with other domestic politics with human rights as an excuse and waved sanctions.According to China, the United States will continue to promote the accountability system for defending Chinese human rights."The State Council will take visa restrictions on officials of the People's Republic of China on the edge of social and racial communities.

According to Agence France -Presse, the US State Department did not list the list and number of Chinese officials who had been sanctioned in the statement, nor did it indicate whether more people were sanctioned.

During the administration of former President Trump, the United States publicly named several Chinese officials to refuse a visa, including Chen Nationwide, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.