(Tokyo / Kuala Lumpur / Bangkok News) In the first quarter of this year, the export volume of the Ya'an State in the first quarter of this year exceeded the export of China, showing that the Asian Safe Trade seemed to be changing as the global supply chain was transferred.

The data summarized by Asia in the Nikkei shows that the export value of the first quarter of Asia to the United States reached US $ 67.2 billion (about 90.9 billion yuan), with more than $ 57 billion in exports to China.Experts say this trend reflects the US's increasing procurement of semiconductors and electrical components from Asia, as well as the downturn of the Chinese economy.

The exports of the United States in the first quarter of Malaysia increased by 8%year -on -year, and exports to China decreased by 3.3%.Arina, director of the strategic consulting company BowerGroupasia, said: "American companies want to avoid risks, diversify the supply chain, and reduce their dependence on China.Become an attractive alternative option. "

Vietnam's first quarter of exports to the United States increased by 24%to $ 25.7 billion, the increase in the first place in Asia.

Vietnamese economist Riden Ying said that Vietnam supplemented the United States exported clothing and electronic products at a competitive price, and the United States and Vietnam added each other.He also pointed out that the spillover effect of the Sino -US trade war brings benefits to Vietnam."China has levied high tariffs on some export products in the United States, reducing the competitiveness of Chinese products and creating certain advantages for Vietnamese export products."

The first quarter of Thailand's exports to China decreased by 5.1%year -on -year, of which natural rubber, cassava products and fruit exports all declined.In contrast, Thailand's exports to the United States increased by 9.8%by agricultural products and agricultural industrial products.

One key factor affecting Thailand's exports is cars.Sulabon, chairman of the Automobile Club of the Thai Industry Federation, said that the number of exported cars in Thailand in the first quarter was 273,680, a year -on -year decrease of 5%.

Wenbang, director of the Thai trade policy and strategic office, said that the slowdown in automobile exports was mainly due to weak Chinese demand."Although China's economy has recovered this year, it has not fully recovered, and the demand is not very strong."