Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the Chinese Permanent Permanent United Nations, said that unilateral compulsory measures are a concentrated manifestations of hegemonism and power politics, and call on the United States to immediately cancel unilateral compulsory measures.

According to the website of the Chinese Metropolitan United Nations delegation, the 78th UN General Assembly local time on Thursday (June 13) on Thursday (June 13) "eliminates unilateral external compulsory economic measures as a means of political and economic stress"Under the topic, a meeting was held on sanctions.

Geng Shuang said at the meeting that unilateral compulsory measures are a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter and International Law, a huge obstacle to achieving the goal of sustainable development, and a gadget of crime that violates human rights, is it?The important reasons for exacerbating the national humanity crisis are the concentration of hegemonism and power politics.

He said that a few countries such as the United States and other countries imposed unilateral sanctions on other countries without the authorization of the Security Council.It is the challenge to the authority of the Security Council, the violation of the principles of sovereignty equality, the interference in other domestic politics, and the contempt of the principle of the UN Charter's purpose.

Geng Shuang continued that the United States also implemented the so -called "secondary sanctions" and forcibly asked the third country to obey unilateral sanctions measures.The rule of law.

He said that a few countries such as the United States continued to use the status of economic and financial hegemony, frequently imposed unilateral sanctions on other countries, seriously interfered with normal economic and trade cooperation between related countries, and seriously threatened the stability of the global supply chain, food, energy, energy, energy, energy, energy, and energy.Financial security, seriously impact the world economic order and the efforts of the sustainable development goals of related countries.

Geng Shuang said that a few countries such as the United States abused their own strength and armed weapons and tooling of unilateral sanctions. The internal logic was the law of weak meat and strong food.Unreasonable international order, its expression form is to bully, to be weak, strong, and poverty to poverty.

He said that opposition to unilateral compulsory measures is a long -term and consistent strong voice of the international community, and called on a few countries such as the United States to listen to the voices of justice in the international community and immediately completely cancel unilateral compulsory measures.China also calls on member states, UN systems, and other international organizations to provide support to sanctions, help them relieve difficulties, and urge the international community to attach great importance to the serious consequences of unilateral compulsory measures and jointly resist this illegal behavior.