(Beijing News) Four American university teachers were stabbed by a knife on Monday in Jilin City, Jilin Province, China. One of them quoted the Chinese police that the murderer was an unemployed.

According to the IOWA PUBLIC Radio News on Tuesday (June 11), one of the attackers David Zabner visited China for the second time.As of Tuesday morning, Zabana and his three colleagues were still treated in nearby hospitals.

Zabana said in the ward to interview with Iowa Public Radio that he and three colleagues originally planned to go to Songhuajiang to watch the Dragon Boat Festival.But they found that there were too many people by the river and could not even see the river.So they chose to go to the nearby Beishan Park.

Zabana recalled that when they went down the mountain, they suddenly heard a scream from behind.

Zabna said, "I turned around and found a man waving a knife to me. I didn't realize what happened immediately. I thought my colleague was pushed down, and he was out of a certain out of some out of some.The reason is trying to push me.

Zabna's arm was stabbed six inches below the shoulder.About 20 minutes later, the ambulance staff arrived.

Zabna said that the Chinese police told them afterwards that the men's murderers were unemployed and their luck was not good, because "some of our groups hit him. Then he decided to respond in his way."

Jilin Police reported on Tuesday that a local man named Cui had a collision with one of the American teachers when he was in the incident, and then hurt someone with a knife.A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized on Tuesday that the police of Jilin City initially determined that this was an isolated occasional incident.