A park on Monday (June 10), a park in Jilin, Northeast China. One of them was a knife -wounded person. One of the American university teachers described the incident to the American media, and quoted the Chinese police that it called it.The murderer was unemployed.

This incident occurred in Beishan Park, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China. Five people were injured. Four of them were teachers from Cornell College, Aiwa, the United States, a 55 -year -oldThe Chinese man named Cui was arrested by the police.

According to news reports of the IoWa Public Radio, David Zabner is one of the attackers, which is his second visit to China.

Zabna said in the ward and said that he and three colleagues originally planned to go to Songhuajiang to watch the Dragon Boat Festival.But they found that there were too many people by the river and could not even see the river.So they chose to go to the nearby Beishan Park.

Zabina said that when they went down the mountain, a scream came from behind."I turned around and found a man rushing over to me. I didn't immediately respond and realized what happened. I thought my colleague was pushed, and then he (referred to the man with a knife) seemed to beI want to push me.Zabna's arm was stabbed, six inches from the shoulders.

Zabina said that the Chinese police told them afterwards that the men's murderers were unemployed and their luck was not good, because "some of our people hit him. Then he decided to respond in his way."

Jilin City Police reported on Tuesday (June 11) that the man named Cui had a collision with one of the American teachers when he was in the incident, and then he injured his knife; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China emphasized that the police preliminarily judged that thisIt is an isolated occasional incident.