A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce issued a reporter about the EU's preliminary disclosure of the EU's anti -subsidy investigation of electric vehicles

The European Union will impose an additional tariff of 38.1%of electric vehicles from China next month.The European Commission issued an announcement on June 12 that if the solution cannot be reached with China, the tariffs will be implemented around July 4.

The European Commission stated that Bysie, Geely Automobile, and SAIC Group will increase tariffs of 17.4%, 20%, and 38.1%respectively; it will impose 21%tariffs on other manufacturers;Applicable a separate tax rate.

Earlier on the 12th, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian, said when the EU will impose tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China next month.Subsidy investigation is typical protectionism.The European side imposed tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China, violating market economic principles and international trade rules, damaging the stability of China -Europe economic and trade cooperation and the stability of global automobile production chain, and eventually harmed the interests of Europe itself.

"We noticed that many European national politicians in recent times, the representatives of the industry expressed opposition to the European Commission's investigation, and believedThere is no future, open cooperation is the right way. "Lin Jian said."We urge the European side to abide by the commitment to support free trade and oppose protectionism, and to maintain the overall situation of China -Europe economic and trade cooperation with China. China will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard their legitimate rights and interests."