(Philippines News) The current President of the Philippines, Marco, and former President Duterte diverged to national and foreign policies. At the end of last year, there was a call for the separation of Mianlan Island from the Philippines.A survey by the Philippine Star revealed that Chinese social media users used the call from the Philippines to the Philippines to conduct organized public opinion manufacturing actions, spreading rumors of the Philippine civil war from the provocation of Macco.

The Philippines Star News cooperated with Taiwan's Democratic Laboratory to track a series of Internet public opinion on the Internet from November last year to February this year.

Duterte's long -term ally, North Dawo MP Alfarez issued a statement in November 2023, saying that considering the Western Philippines Sea of ​​Macco (Philippines in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the South China Sea) Policies, Mianlan Old Island should be separated from the Philippines.The main city of Mianlan Old Island Dava is the political base of the Duterte family.

After that, social media and network space appeared in coordinated posts and articles, spreading rumors that the Philippines was about to occur.From November 21st to 30th, there were at least 60 posts and articles in the democratic laboratory tracked on the Chinese network platform.

Most articles and posts were uploaded to the Chinese social media platform Weibo, Baijia, and NetEase.

Most articles published by most Chinese netizens about the separation of the Mianlan Old Island have the same arguments, that is, the small Marco's tendency to tend to the United States has led to the Filipino island.Some netizens also pointed out signs of Mianlan Old Island that is brewing of civil war.

On December 27th, the "Observer" website released a video of four articles that integrate four articles, and coupled with a computer -generated description, alleging that Marcos was taught by the US government to incite anti -China in the Philippines.

The Democratic Laboratory has marked the "Observer" as a website that "spreads false information under the guise of independent comments and echoed China's new nationalism and anti -Western emotions."

On January 30 this year, Duterte repeated Alvarez, saying that Mianlan Old Island should consider independence.

This time, the Philippine government clearly warned that they would not hesitate to deal with separatism.After that, at least 11 posts or articles appeared on the Internet space, saying that the Philippine government would "attack", and even referred to the Philippines "on the edge of civil war."

Although the claims of the civil war have not attracted the attention of the Philippine netizens, at least two Philippine Internet celebrities have publicly accused P / from the tension between the Philippines and between China and the Philippines.