A park in a park in Jilin City, Northeast China (June 10), a knife was injured in a knife. Five people were injured in the incident. Four of them were teachers in American university teachers in China. A 55 -year -oldThe Chinese man named Cui was arrested by the police.

Jilin City Police reported that when the suspect of Cui surnamed a collision with one of the American teachers, it was then hurt by a knife; the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the police initially determined that this was an isolated occasional incident.

Scholars of interviewees believe that no matter what the murderer's motivation is, in the current situation where China and the United States and humanistic exchanges are frequently blocked, this incident will only worsen relations between the two countries.

According to Reuters, the four American universities teachers from the American university are from Cornell College. They were attacked by a knife when they played at Beishan Park, Jilin City, Jilin Province, Jilin Province, China.

According to the US Ambassador to China, Burns, revealed on social media X. Of the four teachers, the three were American and one was a non -American resident.

Jonathan Brand, Dean of Cornell College, issued a statement saying that the teachers were with a teacher from North China University when they were attacked.

Cornell College is a private liberal arts college in Muntefun, Eva, USA.The college signed a cooperation agreement with Beihua University in Jilin City in 2018 to send teachers to provide a two -week short -term teaching for the latter, covering computer science, mathematics and physics.

According to CBS reports, Aiwa Republic members Adam Zabner revealed that his brother David Zabna was one of the victims.The two universities' cooperation agreements visited China for the second time.

According to the Jilin City Public Security Bureau Ship Camp Branch report on Tuesday evening, after the police received the alarm at 11:49 on Monday, the police station of the local police station rushed to the scene, the injured was sent to the medical treatment as soon as possible, and the case was arrested on the same day.The 55 -year -old man named Cui.

According to the police report, the suspect of Cui was a locals in Jilin City. When he was walking in Beishan Park on the same day, he collided with one of the American teachers in Beishan Park.Chinese people who are fierce.

Police report also said, "The wounded was properly treated and there was no danger of life. Case investigation and other related tasks are undergoing further development."

Bernus said on X, saying that he felt "angry and deeply uneasy" about the assassination of four American university teachers. US consular officials visited the four who were treated at Jilin Hospital on Tuesday."We are trying our best to help them and hope that they will fully recover soon."

Before the Jilin Police issued a notification, the Chinese media generally remained silent about the case, and social media also suspected that there was deletion of posts and control.In contrast, American public opinion is highly concerned about incidents.

Sino-US relations have changed sharply in the past few years, and the crown disease epidemic affects international travel._blank> Human exchanges between China and the United States fell into the trough .After the Sino -US dollar meeting in San Francisco last November, the two sides reached a consensus to jointly promote humanistic exchanges, and proposed to strengthen educational affairs cooperation and reduce the negative factors that hinder humanistic exchanges.

Chinese officials announced when visiting San Francisco at the time that China is willing to invite in the next five years.50,000 American teenagers went to China to exchange and learn .Chinese officials also proposed at the time of the President of the University of Kenne of the United States last week that To encourage China and the United States to strengthen exchanges and cooperation .

The incident of being stabbed in China in China is expected to allow China and the United States to encounter frustration through humanistic exchanges and education to stabilize relations between the two countries.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out in an interview with the United Zard that the occurrence of such incidents is likely to make more Americans think that it is not safe in China, although it seems that the suspects are likely to exist at present.Psychological problems, but this is still a negative incident together.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian emphasized at a regular press conference on Tuesday that occasional cases will not affect the normal development of Chinese and American cultural exchanges.He also said that China has been taking effective measures to effectively protect the security of all foreigners in China.