Sun Weidong, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, said that after attending the East Asian Cooperation Series Senior Officials, he said that at present the largest security challenge of the South China Sea comes from outside the territory, and refers to the introduction and action of the South China Naval affairs in the United States.Inspire the differences and contradictions of the sea -related differences.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Sun Weidong led a group to Laos from June 7th to 8th to attend the Asiabean, China and South Korea (10+3) senior officials, the East Asian Summit Senior Officials Association, and the Senior official meeting of the Asia Square Forum.

Sun Weidong said in an interview with the media after the meeting: "Regarding the South China Sea issue, China pointed out that the biggest security challenge in the South China Sea is from outside the territory.Fight with the camp, promote the military deployment and actions in the South China Sea, provoke the differences and contradictions of the sea -related differences, and damage the legitimate rights and interests of the coastal country., Committed to in accordance with the two -track thinking, properly control the dispute with the South China Sea through dialogue and negotiation; Tongya's well -safe country has comprehensively and effectively implemented the behavior declaration declaration of all parties in the South China Sea, and actively promotes new progress in consultations of the "South China Sea Behavior Code".Co -maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

In response to the deployment of medium -range missile systems in the region in the region, Sun Weidong said: "Chinese pointed out that the United States' approach will pull the region into the martial arts competition vortex and place the entire Asia -Pacific region under the shadow of the geopolitical conflict. It is seriously serious.Discovering history seriously endangers regional national security and severely damaged regional peace and stability.Oppose regional countries as hegemony tools and geographical strategic chess pieces.

He also said that at the just -concluded East Asian Cooperation Series Senior Officials Association, the regional countries exchanged in -depth exchanges in the current situation to grasp the correct direction of the development of the East Asian mechanism and promote pragmatic cooperation in various fields to reach a wide range of consensus, and this year East Asia this year East Asia this yearThe cooperative leadership series and foreign ministers will be prepared.

Sun Weidong continued that the meeting also exchanged opinions on hot issues and emerging fields of international regions such as Pakistani conflict, Ukraine crisis, Korean peninsula, Myanmar, climate change, network security, artificial intelligence, etc."China elaborates on the principle position on related issues, and strictly refutes the fallacy of the West in the West in the West."

When talking about the discussion of the international regional situation and hot sensitive issues, Sun Weidong saidAt the senior official meeting, China emphasized that Asia -Pacific is a highland of peaceful development, support the status of the Asian detachment center, support the promotion of regional security cooperation in the Asian dimension, support peaceful means to resolve differences and disputes, and call for the establishment of equal and cooperative security concepts.

Sun Weidong also said that China has reiterated the principles of adhering to the principles of negotiation and consistent, taking care of the comfort of all parties, enriching cooperation issues, actively responding to emerging challenges such as network security, climate change, and artificial intelligence to maintain common security benefits.China clearly supports the regional security structure centered on Asia's fine security, adheres to the concept of opening and win -win, takes into account the demands of all parties, tolerates the interests of all parties, and builds a balanced, effective, and sustainable regional security structure instead of a separate stove to engage in a small circle of his closed row., Small Group.