The Chinese embassy in the United States stated that the Chinese government has always opposed any form of smuggling activities, and also resolutely oppose American public opinion and politicians to discredit China.

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, a spokesman for the embassy on Monday (May 13) said that China ’s position on the issue of illegal immigration is consistent and clear.Activity.

The spokesman said that in recent years, the Chinese law enforcement department has rectified the rectification of the regulation of the country's (border) management of illegal crimes, and has maintained a high pressure on various criminals and criminals engaged in criminals.EssenceAt the same time, China's law enforcement agencies are cooperating with relevant countries to jointly crack down on cross -border smuggling activities, repatriate smuggling personnel, and jointly maintain the order of exchanges between international personnel.

The spokesman said that it is necessary to point out that the problem of illegal immigration is an international issue that requires cooperation with all parties.China has resolutely opposed American public opinion and politicians to play the problem, and blame Chinese attacks and pushes the pot.China has an open attitude towards cooperation with the United States on the issue of the repatriation of illegal immigration. At the same time, the United States should also show sincerity, pay attention to the concerns of Chinese side, and create a suitable atmosphere for related cooperation.

According to the Voice of the United States reported on May 10, Beijing and Washington resumed cooperation in returning illegal Chinese immigrants to illegally stayed in the United States. Since the leaders of the two countries meeting in California at the end of last year, Sino -USRestore and expand contact.

It is reported that since the suspension of the above -mentioned cooperation in China in August 2022, the number of Chinese immigrants illegally entering the United States from Mexico has increased sharply.In 2023, US border officials arrested more than 37,000 Chinese citizens at the southern border, which was 10 times the previous year, further exacerbating the tension caused by immigration during the presidential election.