The U.S. military deploys a new land -based medium -range missile launch system in the Philippines. Sun Weidong, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, criticized that the US approach is to "seriously open history reversing", which seriously threatens regional national security and destroys regional peace and stability.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Saturday (May 11), Sun Weidong attended the 30th China One Asian Denaisha (ASEAN) senior officials on the afternoon of Friday (10th) in Jakarta, Indonesia.Reporter interview.

Sun Weidong answered questions about the United States in the deployment of the United States in the Philippines, saying that the US approach "seriously opens history reversing, seriously threatens regional national security, and severely damages regional peace and stability." Chinese resolutely oppose the Cold War camp confrontationRe -acting in the region and resolutely opposed the tools and agents of regional countries as hegemony.

Sun Weidong said that during the consultation of senior officials, he expressed clearly expressed the strict concern of the Chinese side, and said that China supports Asians to strengthen its strategic autonomy.Road, firmly maintain regional peace and stability.

The Pacific Army Command announced on April 15 that the US Army has deployed a new land -based medium -range medium -range missile launch system "Typhon" in the northern part of Luzon Island, Philippines.The U.S. military describes this deployment as "historic first", which improves the coordination capabilities of the US and the Philippines, the level of preparation and defense energy.

The Ministry of National Security of China also posted on the official WeChat public account on Saturday. The name of the name of the United States in the South China Sea deployment medium -range missile will seriously damage the peaceful and stable region and the safe development of the neighboring countries.

In addition, for the results of the consultation with senior officials in China in China, Sun Weidong said that he and Asian's colleagues exchanged in -depth opinions on deepening comprehensive cooperation and common concern under the new situation and reached a wide consensus.

He said that China and Asia's Simpan will build a joint and peaceful homeland, strengthen strategic mutual trust, strengthen dialogue and exchanges, and jointly maintain a regional architecture centered on Asia's detailed and open and inclusive regional architecture.This year, the two sides will focus on strengthening the traditional and unconventional security cooperation such as minesweeper, cracking down on telecommunications fraud, and illegal online gambling.

China and Asia's Da'an will also strive to complete the negotiations of version 3.0 in the China One Asian Sympathetic Free Trade Zone within the year.Demonstration of tolerant economic globalization.