(Jakarta Comprehensive Electric) Indonesia, Indonesia, will reiterate that the government led by his leadership will maintain an open foreign policy policy and will not choose the side stations in the process of Sino -US competition.

Plabowava was interviewed by the Peninsula TV station a few days ago.In an interview he broadcast on Sunday (May 12), the principle of diplomatic guidance in Indonesia was friends with all countries.

In response to the competition between China and the United States in this region, Plabovo said that Indonesia has kept open to both countries and respects them. She also thanked the two countries for their help in Indonesia in the past.

"We entertain the United States, Japan, South Korea, and European partners. Putting friends with them does not mean that we cannot make friends with China, India and Russia."

Plaboopo made this statement when the competition between China and the United States has intensified.US President Biden is expected to announce tariffs on Chinese medical equipment and clean energy products this week.Chinese officials have been visited in Europe a few days ago, and they are also deemed to try to create suspicion between European countries and the United States through economic channels.

Indonesia has always pursued the policy of non -alliance.In terms of sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea, although China's sovereignty seemed to overlap with Indonesia, President Zoko adopted a non -confrontation attitude.In April of this year, Plabowa visited China, Japan and Malaysia after the victory.His visit to China and Japan was interpreted as a strategy to continue the middle road between China and the United States.

He also said in a regional forum last November that he would maintain a good relationship with China and the United States.

Plabovo is expected to seek something more in foreign policies.He said that diplomacy, negotiations, and "Asian methods" help relieve tensions.

When asked about the meaning of the "Asian method", Plabowo explained that Southeast Asia has experienced war, foreign colonial and intervention in the intervention of the internal affairs. "But we have no external interference.Solve the problem. "

In the interview, Plabovo also denied that Indonesia's democracy was backward.He said that although there are still problems that have to be resolved in corruption, Indonesia has achieved a peaceful transition for political power over the years.