(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) Sino -US first meetings of intergovernmental dialogue around the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) are held on Tuesday (May 14) in Geneva, Switzerland.U.S. officials pointed out that the meeting aims to reduce the risks brought by this emerging technology, but emphasize that the United States will not negotiate with the Chinese government on the technical protection policies of Chinese -funded enterprises.

Xinhuanet posted on Monday (13th) that this meeting was a consensus reached in the implementation of Chinese officials and US President Biden at the San Francisco last year. After both parties agreed, the two countries will have artificial intelligence technology risks, global global risks, global risks, global risks, global risks, global risks, global risks, global risks, global risks, global risks and global risks.Governance and other issues of concern to communicate.

Bloomberg quoted unnamed US government officials that China has been deploying artificial intelligence in the deployment of artificial intelligence. These capabilities are destroying the national security of the United States and its allies in many aspects.

Another U.S. officials said that the United States will also propose the method of regulating artificial intelligence in various countries and promote global discussions in response to relevant risks.Before talks with China, the United States had extensive consultations with its allies.

U.S. officials faded any expectations of the outside world for the results of the talks.Reuters quoted a U.S. officials that the focus of negotiations with Beijing was not to promote any form of technical cooperation, nor did they conduct cutting -edge research cooperation on any issues, and the U.S. technical protection policies on Chinese companies will not put on the negotiating tableEssence

The rapid application of artificial intelligence is one of China and the United States in recent years. In recent years, it has a wide range of competition in cutting -edge technology. It involves semiconductors, mobile phones, electric vehicles and quantum computing.

In response to risks, the US government has adopted a series of punitive measures in the name of data security, including Order , aiming to protect the sensitive data of Americans, and the relevant data of the US government are not obtained by the "attorsed country".

China began to implement 24 items to supervise the rapids of supervisionBusiness areas.

In an interview with the United States Cable TV News Network last week, Bayeng pointed out that artificial intelligence is the most important technological development in human history, but its ability to transcend human beings is scary.He said: "We must ensure that it is controlled."