The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said that the United States speculates in the overcapacity of China's new energy, and there are domestic political factors in the election year.

The People's Daily on Sunday (May 12) published a comment article on "Zhong Caiwen", entitled to hype the meaning of hype hype.

The article wrote that since recently, "in the absence of factual basis, the United States has tried to render the so -called Chinese new energy 'overcapacity' argument, which has caused some countries to follow the trend. The real purpose of doing so,It can be said that the ""

article states that the biggest attempt to speculate in the United States to speculate in China's new energy production capacity is to curb the advantageous industries for China's, and the important intention is to support the development of the American domestic industry.In addition, it is also to serve the domestic political needs of the election year.

The article wrote that this year is the year of the United States election. The final election results will depend on the election of a few key swing states.According to polls, candidates for democracy and Republican parties have competed in six key swing states including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wiscons, and Nevada.The traditional industries such as steel and fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic industries such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic industries are precisely important pillars that support the above -mentioned key swing states and employment and people's livelihood.

The article states that whether it is the steel industry in Pennsylvania, the fuel vehicle industry of Michigan, or the photovoltaic industry in Georgia and Arizona, the new energy vehicle industry of Wisconsin, and the battery industry of Nevada, they are all facing ChinaInternational competition pressure.At this time, throwing the theory of overcapacity in China's new energy production capacity is the important strategy that the American election candidate to win in order to win the election campaign and cater to key swing states voters and stakeholders.

The article finally wrote that curbing the development of the new energy industry in China does not make the American local industry strong, but it will distort the international market and damage the efficiency of resource allocation.History has repeatedly proven that the practice of unilateralism and protectionism will only be disproportionate to others.

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen expressed the United States' concerns about China's industrial capacity overcapacity when he met with the Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang in Beijing on April 7.Li Qiang responded that China hopes to have the basic guidelines for market economy with the United States to adhere to fair competition and open cooperation, and will not generalize economic and trade issues, politics and security.From the perspective of the market and global vision, starting from economic laws, it is necessary to look at the problem of production capacity objectively and dialectically.