Yellen, the US Minister who visited China in less than a year, held a two -day talks in Guangzhou and Chinese Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng in Guangzhou on Friday (April 5).Three face -to -face talks.Yelun said that the healthy economic relations of the United States and China must provide a fair competitive environment for enterprises and employees of the two countries; He Lifeng said that he hopes that China and the United States will create a good investment environment for enterprises of the two countries and say that "the rain will meet the rainbow."

The scholars of the interviewed by the scholars evaluated that Yellen's overall significance to visit China this week is positive, indicating that even if the United States has continued to upgrade in China ’s science and technology war, the two countries still maintain the tone of non -decompostering chain."Form more reasonable interactive relationships" in other areas involving economic and trade relations.

Yellen on Thursday (4th) arrived at the first station in Guangzhou to launch a six -day trip. It was the first member of the Biden government to visit China this year.She talked with He Lifeng, the Deputy Prime Minister of China and China and the United States of China and the United States at the Pearl Island Hotel in Guangzhou on Friday. After that, she went to the Pearl River for dinner and took a boat to the Pearl River.

Two people , then Talks.

He Lifeng pointed out at the beginning of the meeting that holding talks at the Pearl Island Hotel is Beijing's respect and welcome to Yellen, and it is said that "extremely important foreign guests" can only be there.He also revealed that on Friday morning, he met thunderstorm from Beijing to Guangzhou. The airplane hovering for two hours was "huge challenge", but later landed very smoothly.

Yellen and He Lifeng respectively, "Obtaining Progress" and "good effects" affirmed the two economic working groups established after Yellen's visit to China in July last year.China and the United States established the Economic and Financial Working Group in September last year to continue to conduct substantial contact and communication on the economic and financial policies of the two countries.

Yellen pointed out that the dialogue between the two working groups is just like her herself and He Lifeng, "frank and substantial."She also said that the two parties are important to maintain close communication on issues such as overcapacity and economic actions involving national security.

He Lifeng said that the main task of the talks was an important issue in further discussion in the field of China, the United States and the global economic and financial fields, and responded properly on some key concerns of the economic relations between the two countries.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations, Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Zard that He Lifeng's statement was a good combination of China's "strategic determination and strategic flexibility", which not only showed China's efforts to improve and stabilize the relationship with the United States.It also expresses Beijing's current "policy optimism" to deal with relations with the United States.

Zhu Feng pointed out that when the U.S. upgrade has caused strong dissatisfaction with Beijing's scientific and technological war, Yellen and He Lifeng will be able to meet again. It is expected that deeper negotiations will be conducted to further promote the normal state of economic and trade relations between China and the United States.Framework areas for the overall cooperation of the country.

When lectured at the American Chamber of Commerce in China on Friday at noon on Friday, the US President Biden and her herself rejected the decoustration of the US -China economy, emphasizing that communication between the two countries was particularly important.Bilateral economic relations ensure that they remain tough when they face impact and differences.

Yellen also released the information of the United States and China cooperation, referring to the incidents of the two countries that have held technical exchanges to simulate the closure of one of the large banks.

Dan Yellen also revealed that during talks with Chinese economic leadership, she will express concerns about China's unfair treatment in China.When Yellen met with Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong on Friday morning, he called on China to provide a fair competitive environment for American workers and enterprises.

Yellen also said in his speech that excess capacity is not a new problem for China, but the problem has intensified, and it is said that many countries have the same concerns as the United States.She emphasized that these concerns are not anti -China policies, as Beijing's industrial subsidies may constitute risks to global economic toughness.

Zhu Feng pointed out that the United States now clearly wants to use more international public opinion to Production capacity issues Add to China.He judged that China and the United States continued to dialogue and promote cooperation on economic and trade issues, but they also continued to compete on the negotiating table on the negotiating table to carry out "endless bargaining."

Yellen Saturday (6th) will continue to talk with He Lifeng in the morning, and work together for lunch, and then sequel Beijing.