The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that holding a microscope to put on the economic problems of China cannot solve its own challenges; regarding electric vehicles as smartphones and cranes as "Tro Trojan", it will fall into the more.The more unsafe cycle of national security.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Chinese Embassy in the United States", Xie Feng was invited to give a speech at the "Spring China" Global Media Dialogue on Wednesday (March 13).

Xie Feng said in his speech that through the "window of the two sessions", the world feels the surging spring tide of China's high -quality development.Investment China is investment in the future.China is still investing in hot land worldwide. Last year, the number of new foreign -funded enterprises increased by 39.7%. France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands increased investment in China by 84.1%, 81%, and 31.5%, respectively.

Xie Feng pointed out that holding a microscope to put on the Chinese economy cannot solve his own challenges; treat electric vehicles as "smartphones with wheels" and crane as "Trope Trok", which will be caught in the more abuseThe more unsafe national security is the cycle; making "de -risk" into "going to China" is to make opportunities to make people, which will only lead to double losses.More than 70,000 US companies have invested in China in China, and the Sino -US economy has bones and bones. Forcibly decoupled will hurt muscles.

Xie Feng said, I hope that the United States will do with China and follow the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation, so that the "San Francisco Vision" will follow the reality and promote the stable, healthy, sustainable, healthy, and sustainable Sino -US relations.develop.

Xie Feng said that China -US economic and trade cooperation space is broad, and calls on more American companies to invest in the Chinese market and deeply cultivate the Chinese market. It is also hoped that friends from all walks of life can play a bridge role to promote communication and mutual understanding of the two countries.The US cooperation activates the spring water of the global economy, creating the world's future spring full garden.

The Wall Street Journal reported last March that the Pentagon of the United States believes that the use of giant cranes made in China in the US port is a potential "Tro Trojan". These cranes are installed with complex sensors. China can use it to collect related related.Material intelligence in and out of the United States.

U.S. President Biden signed an administrative order on February 21, giving the United States Coast Guard greater power to supervise the network security of the port in order to deal with the security risks composed of China's lifting machine.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on February 23 that the so -called "China's remote control port crane collection data collection data" is completely nonsense.The abuse of national power and unreasonable target of Chinese products and enterprises.