Analysts of senior defense intelligence in the United States said that China leads the United States and Russia in R & D, testing and deployment of hypersonic weapons.

According to Bloomberg, Jeffely McCormick, a senior intelligence analyst at the National Aeronautics and Aerospace Intelligence Center, said on Tuesday (March 12) in the House of Representatives that China has worked hard for 20 years.A large number of centralized investment, development, testing and deployment has greatly promoted the development of its conventional and nuclear weapons technology and capabilities ", and created the world's" leading hypersonic weapon library ".

He also said that Russia used this weapon in Ukraine but lagged behind China on the total inventory and support system.

It is reported that although the United States has made efforts, it has not yet deployed any hypersonic weapons.The U.S. Air Force and the Army's goals were to have hypersonic weapons in 2022 and 2023, but these two arms encountered difficulties in the test, resulting in another weapon to use the US Air Force.The U.S. Army restarted the test plan in fiscal 2025 and shortened the timetable for deploying it.

James Weber, a high -end scientist of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, said in a statement to the committee that since 2018, the Pentagon has invested more than $ 12 billion (about S $ 15.9 billion)It is used to develop hypersonic strike weapon systems, "to provide a variety of capabilities in land, maritime and air."