China News Service, March 13 (Chen Caixia Meng Xiangjun) On the 12th local time, the United States has the first choice for the Presidential Election of the Democratic Party in 2024.According to a number of mainstream US media estimates, the current President of the United States Biden has received enough voter votes and officially locked the nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate.

US media said that former US President Trump will soon lock in the nomination of Republican presidential candidates.This means that Biden and Trump performed a duel in the November 2024 election, "almost inevitable."This will be the first time in the US presidential election since 1956, the situation of "re -racing" in the US presidential election, and in 132, the former President of the United States once again defeated his opponent four years ago.According to analysis, this will inevitably deepen American politics and social differences, and give birth to more chaos and risks.

Pulling the match of the "Douzui" separated by the air

In the primary election of "Super Tuesday" on March 5, Trump and Biden have won great victory within the party and expanded leading advantages.On March 9, the two appeared in the "Swing State" Georgia State to hold a campaign rally, "fighting" in the air, and kicked off the match.

On the same day, Biden said at the Atlanta market in Georgia that he and Trump had a "different values."If Trump returns to the White House, the United States will be full of "resentment, revenge and revenge." Biden also attacked Trump's position on immigration and abortion.

Data Map: US President Biden.

Trump is not willing to show weakness. He held a rally at the Roman city of about 100 kilometers that day, bombarding Baying Deng on the issue of immigration and border security issues, criticizing Biden "unintentionally stopping this deadly (immigration) invasion"Essence

Georgia is one of the "Swing State" in the United States election and was won by Trump in the 2016 presidential election.Four years later, Biden won the state with a weak advantage.Currently, the two are fiercely competitive in the state.

"We are now a real battlefield state." Said the Atlanta Democratic Representative and Chairman of the State Nickma Williams.

"President Biden and former President Trump are fighting fiercely," the United States CNN analyzed that this indicates that the two -party presidential candidate will be on the next 8 months to fight for GeorgiaThe "road of hardcore campaign" of victory.

"The Most Separation" election

Eight months before the voting day of the US election in November 2024. Biden and Trump lock the nomination of presidential candidates early, which means that the Democratic and Republican parties officially duel early.

"This is expected to be the longest, the highest cost, and the most divided presidential campaign in recent years," the Washington Post commented.

The earlier data of Gallopp, a public opinion survey agency, showed that in the past two decades, the United States Republican and Democratic Party has "highly polarized the federal government's power, education, abortion, foreign trade, immigration, gun law and other important issues."" ".

A long time ago, in the farewell speech, the first president of the United States George Washington warned that "the United States has the danger of party separation."In fact, now it seems that all controversy may become the "weapon" for the United States to attack opponents.

On March 7, Biden said in a speech in the National Love Counseling, saying that he would work hard to promote the protection of abortion rights by the United States Constitution and warned that Trump will come to power again to promote the implementation of the national abortion ban.Speaking of the violence of guns, Biden emphasized the importance of strengthening the management of guns and accusing Trump of inaction when he was in power.

Data Map: Former US President Trump.

and Trump subsequently returned to Biden, saying that his national information counseling was "the worst ever in history" and was called "the shame of the country."

Politico, a US political news website, also commented that Bayeng's "highly political" this time, people are more likely to remember its tone instead of content.

"Worries of Voters"

"The presidential election in 2024 will be carried out on the occasion of severe polarization," CNN said, "Voters will have to choose in the vision of two mutual competition."

Although Biden and Trump have made the way in the primary election of their respective parties, there are "worry of voters" hidden behind them.

Democratic Party, voters do not buy the so -called "Biden Economics". Most Americans are still painful for high inflation.In the Republican Party, Trump's lawsuit was charged with 91 charges.In addition, he also "made a big word" on the issues of ethnic minorities and immigration, which caused concerns of some voters.

Many poll results show that most Americans do not want Biden and Trump to "re -race".According to the latest polls of Reuters/Iposo, 70%of the respondents do not want Bayeng to seek re -election, half of which are Democrats; 56%of the respondents do not support Trump to run, including about one -third of themRepublicans.

Economists recently commented that in 2024, the US presidential election is not so much a "popular competition" as a "referendum" for American voters.However, it is not that it is better to invest, but which one is "the least bad".

"The re -duel of Biden and Trump will make people feel more and more that the US political system is not served for ordinary people." Clai Ramzizi, a researcher at the University of Maryland International and Security Research Center, concluded.