The US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that the United States may further tighten the restrictions on China's acquisition of advanced chip technology.

According to Bloomberg, Raymond Duo is leading the trade delegation to visit the Philippines and Thailand. She told reporters in Manila on Monday (March 11): "We cannot allow China to use our most advanced technology to use our most advanced technologyThe purpose of military development ... Therefore, we will protect our people at all costs, including tightening restrictions.To ensure that China cannot use American chips and AI technology for military purposes.She said there is no specific new sanctions.

The US Department of Commerce is responsible for the implementation of trade sanctions.

Bloomberg reported earlier that the Bayeng government considered sanctions on a number of Chinese technology companies, including Changxin Storage.

Sources revealed that the Industrial and Security Agency of the US Department of Commerce is considering adding Changxin storage to the entity list that limits US technology.In addition, five companies may be listed as the object of sanctions.