(Manila Comprehensive) The Philippine Ambassador to the United States, Romerdez, said that the Philippines seeks the Security Relations of the United States and Philippines that is continuously deepened into a wider economic benefits and expects allies such as the United States, Japan, and Australia to be the Philippines as the Philippines.The South China Sea Energy Exploration Plan plays a key role.

Ronaldez said in an interview with Bloomberg on Manila on March 5: "When we are about to start exploration, we have some options to ensure the safety of exploration work. We are working closely with allies.And Japan and Australia. "

Luo Murdez said that the Philippines is studying several solutions that can develop the South China Sea resources, including inviting American companies to invest in exploration and development, and negotiate with countries such as Vietnam with sovereignty.

Luo Murdez said that the Philippines and allies will take the exploration work in a way of seeking after the initiative, but did not disclose the details. It only said that this was something that President President Markis would complete.

Almost all fuels of the Philippines have rely on imports. For many years, they have tried to carry out energy exploration in the South China Sea for many years, including discussing with China how to jointly develop oil and natural gas resources in the South China Sea.

However, since last year, China and the Philippines have continued to confront the islands and reefs that are controversial around the sovereignty of the South China Sea. The ships of the two countries have conflicts at sea many times, and the tensions have intensified.EssenceLast month, the Philippine Foreign Minister said that he was still willing to negotiate with Beijing, but Manila would not give any project control to China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin on Monday (March 11) answered questions from reporters on this question that the issue of the South China Sea is a problem between China and some Asian Guoan countries. China insists on direct negotiations and negotiations and negotiations and negotiations.Proper treatment, controversy in the sea -related controversy, including resource development, the country's development resources in the South China Sea must not harm the Chinese territorial sovereignty and marine rights and interests, and it is not allowed to get involved in foreign countries.

In order to check and balance China, the Philippines and the United States have significantly strengthened military cooperation. Recently, they have also signed security cooperation agreements with countries such as Britain, Australia, and Canada.

Romerdz said that the Philippines hopes that these partnerships can bring more trade and investment."Although we have these defense connections, the most important thing is economic prosperity. If we have no economic security, it is meaningless even if we have all these defense agreements."

China is also committed to benefiting from the rich resources of the South China Sea.Chinese officials call on the army to combine marine strategy with economic development, which may further exacerbate the dispute between China and the Philippines.

This is not the first time that the Philippines has mentioned the need for resource exploration in the South China Sea.The Minister of Defense Torodo told the media in January this year that the Philippines is establishing a defense alliance with the United States and other security partners in order to launch resource exploration in the South China Sea.

US companies will invest more than $ 10 in the Philippines

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond led a business delegation to visit the Philippines and Thailand together on Monday to strengthen the economic and trade relations between the United States and Southeast Asian countries.She sent US companies to the Philippines to invest in more than $ 1 billion (approximately S $ 1.33 billion).

The delegation includes 22 US companies such as Microsoft, Google, and United Airlines.The areas they invest in digital skills, solar energy and nuclear energy projects, electric vehicles, etc.Microsoft issued a statement that it will accelerate the application of artificial intelligence in the Philippines.United will open a new route for Nuki, Tokyo to go to and from the end of July this year.

Maxicus met with the US representatives that he hoped that the Philippines could benefit from the capital support provided by the US chips and the scientific law."We have prepared a powerful talent pool of 128,000 semiconductor engineers and technicians by 2028 to meet the growing needs of the high -tech industry."

The chips and science laws established by the US government in 2022 are mainly to expand the production capacity of the United States and reduce their dependence on China's capacity.