(Bangkok News) The Prime Minister of Thailand said that he had no resentment with Singapore's success with the American superstar Taylorce's signing of exclusive concert contracts.Asian Anan -Australian Special Summit talks normally and has a pleasant conversation.

National reports, social morality told reporters on Saturday (March 9) that he and Li Xianlong respected each other. Some media distorted his comments on the matter out of his political motivation.

He emphasized that he was talking about the right of Singapore's Taylor Tour Concert in Southeast Asia Station with his envy tone at the time.He said: "I personally think that this is a way to manage the country wisely. This is what Thailand should learn. I appreciate this method very much, and there is nothing to get angry."

Taylorus will hold six "Times Tour Concerts" at Singapore earlier this month.This series of tour will not be held by other Southeast Asian countries.After the news came out, some Philippine members criticized Singapore's practice "not a good neighbor's behavior."

However, the Thai government spokesman Vatalonk subsequently clarified that every time the social morality mentioned Singapore's exclusive rights, he was envious and believed that countries should learn from Singapore without criticism, but they were disconnected.