On March 8, 2014, the Malaysian Airlines flight 370 flew from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing. On the way, he deviated from the original route and crossed the Malaysian Peninsula west.

This Boeing 777 aircraft contains 239 people from 15 countries. It is believed that it deviated from the route after losing the radar and flew south for hours.Some officials believe that the plane may crashes somewhere somewhere in the South Indian ocean after the fuel consumption, but the large -scale search work has not found the answer for many years, no victims were found, and no plane was found.

The reason for the aircraft deviation of the route and its exact position today have always been one of the biggest mysteries in the history of aviation.This week, the official stated that the search may be restarted.

The following is our understanding of the aircraft for ten years.

Investigators conducted air and sea search.

The first stage of search lasted for 52 days, mainly in the air, with a coverage of 4.4 million square kilometers and completed 334 search flights.

In January 2017, Australia, Malaysia, and the Chinese government officially announced the suspension of underwater search, and they searched for more than 119,000 square kilometers on the Indian Ocean.The operation cost $ 150 million.

In January of the following year, the Malaysian government was forced to cooperate with the Ocean Unlimited Company by the pressure of missing passengers and the family members of the crew to start another search.A few months later, the search work led by the company ended, and no evidence of the aircraft's whereabouts was found.

Have you found the wreckage of the plane?

Although there have been no crash planes, on the coast of the African continent and Madagascar, Mauritius, Renine Island, and the Rodriguez Islands found about 20 wreckage from the flight.

In the summer of 2015, investigators confirmed that it was a large object on the coast of the Indian Ocean French Island. It was the deputy wing of the Boeing 777 aircraft, and it was likely to be the wreckage of flight 370.

Another piece of wreckage was discovered on a uninhabited sandbar in the Mozambique Coast in February 2016. It was a triangular glass fiber composite material and aluminum material with "No STEP" (prohibited to step on).

Subsequently, the Australian government confirmed in September 2016 that the wings to a Tanzanian island came from Flight 370.The Australian Transport Security Agency compared its identification code with the missing Boeing 777 aircraft.

What are the views about aircraft disappearance?

There are many reasons for the disappearance of the aircraft, from incredible to provoking controversy.In fact, there are too many sayings, and it cannot be listed one by one.Due to the lack of relevant information, the public and investigators had a variety of speculations about the cause of the plane.

Some officials believe that the fuel of the aircraft is exhausted, and some theories believe that pilots try to land urgently at sea.Others believe that one or two pilots have lost their control of the plane, and one of the pilots is the perpetrator, or the plane is hijacked.

What do you say about the official report?

After more than four years of search and investigation, a 495 -page report published in 2018 did not give the final conclusion about the whereabouts of the flight.The lack of exact answers made the families of the victims hit, and they have always hoped to make a knot.

Legend of Guo Shi, the person in charge of the Safety Investigation Group, including the existing evidence of the aircraft manually deviating from the flight route and the closure of the respondent "illegal interference", which may indicate that the aircraft was hijacked.But there is no evidence that who may interfere with and the motivation behind it.

The report also conducted a careful investigation of all passengers and crew members, the captain Zahari Ahmed Saa, and the co -pilot Farik Abdul Hamid.The report investigated the financial situation, health status, the tone of the radio communication, and even the gait they went to work that day.No abnormalities were found.

What will I do next?

Now, after ten years of disappearance of the flight, no specific answers were found, and no planes were found. The new search work may begin soon.

Malaysian officials stated in a statement this week that the government has prepared to discuss new search operations after contacting the Ocean Unlimited Company.

Oliver Plunkit, the chief executive of the Marine Infinite Company, said in a statement that the company is now capable of restarting the search work after the previous search work has no fruit and ended about six years.

"This search can be said to be the most challenging so far and the greatest hope," he said."We have always cooperated with many experts, including experts other than marine unlimited companies, and hope to reduce the scope of search through data analysis to make success possible."

Derrick Bryson Taylor is a comprehensive reporter who has worked at the New York Post? PageSix.com and Essence magazine.Click to view more information about him.

Translation: Du Ran