In response to the US dollar bonds that can be repaid on March 11, Chinese housing companies Vanke Vanke responded on Tuesday (March 5) that the US dollar bond VNKRLE 5.35 has been in place, and the debt repayment work is being paved in an orderly manner.middle.

Comprehensive China Fund News and 21st Century Business Herald, the data shows that Vanke's US dollar bonds start on December 11, 2018, and the issuance amount is US $ 630 million (about S $ 846 million).Ticket interest rates are 5.35%, expired on March 11 this year, and the final trading day was March 6, 2024.

As a superior student among Chinese real estate companies, Vanke has recently fallen into various rumors, especially on the issue of debt repayment, which has attracted various attention of the market.

Vanke A shares closed at more than 2.44%on Tuesday morning.After Vanke publicly made the above response, the A -share price rose slightly after the opening of the lunch.

It is understood that Vanke's US dollar bonds will expire this year are VNKRLE 4.2 and VNKrle 5.35, with the issuance scale of US $ 600 million and $ 630 million; the other is VNKRLE 3.45, with a issuance scale of 14.45100 million yuan (the same below, about S $ 275 million).

According to Wind data, in addition to the US dollar bonds, as of now, Vanke's domestic bond balance is about 64 billion yuan, and the scale of expiration in the next 12 months will be 24.08 billion yuan.

In terms of capital holdings, according to Vanke's latest public data, as of the end of the third quarter of 2023, its monetary funds were 103.68 billion yuan, which was a decrease from the mid -2023 period.Times.