U.S. officials pointed out on Wednesday (March 6) that the United States is worried that China may be able to fill the US electric vehicle market with Chinese products, but American rewards can make consumers more affordable to domestic electric vehiclescost of.

According to Reuters, US Energy Minister Jennifer Granholm said at a event held in the capital Washington that the above concerns were proposed and said that the United States did not want to see China solar in the United States in the United States.The influence of the battery market is reproduced.

Grandhom also said that with reward measures from the U.S. Inflation Act (IRA) and other plans, domestic manufacturers in the United States can reduce the price of electric vehicles.

It is reported that Chinese companies are producing a large number of low -priced electric vehicles, causing concerns to the outside world, which may harm the interests of large American car manufacturers.

The US official announced last month that it will conduct an investigation on whether imported cars from China constitute a national security risk.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to this that Chinese cars are widely popular all over the world. They are not so -called "unfair practices", but in technological innovation and excellent quality formed in the fierce market competition, and they areRefers to obstacles such as "big trade protectionism, setting up discriminatory subsidy policies, etc., which seriously hinder Chinese cars enter the US market."