(Manila Comprehensive News) President of the Philippines, Marco, said that the possibility of conflict between the Philippines and China on the outbreak of sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea is "much higher than before."However, he showed that the latest collision of China -Philippine ships in the South China Sea was not a reason or timing of the United States and Philippine defense treaty.

Manila Times reported that after attending the Australian -Australian Summit in Australia on Wednesday (March 6), Sumakus was interviewed by the sidelines.They are all worried (the conflict will erupt), and this may not be because someone has made 'we want to start a war' strategic decision, but because of the misjudgment of some military personnel or some actions caused by misunderstandings.Why do we always try to cool down when the words are fierce. "

The Philippines on Tuesday (5th) accused the Chinese maritime police from dangerous interception and attacking the Philippines with water cannons, causing four crew members to be injured; China said that the Philippines deliberately touched porcelain.The replenishment ship was performing supply missions for the South China Sea A -Yunjin Reef (known as Renai Reef).

The United States publicly supported the Philippines and reiterated the common defense treaty of the United States and the Philippines.However, Paris believes that China's latest operation against the Philippines is not enough to trigger this treaty.

He said: "They (China) damaged the supply ship and caused harm to some of our crew members ... We will protest again, hoping to continue communication to find a solution."

According to the United States and Philippine joint defense treaty signed by the Philippines and the United States in 1951, the allies are obliged to help to defend any of the attacks.US State Department spokesman Miller reiterated on Wednesday that the US -Philippine defense treaty "is suitable for the Philippine armed forces, official ships or planes to anywhere in the South China Sea, including the coastal guards and aircraft armed attacks."He also condemned China for provocative operations in the South China Sea.

Wang Yi: Don't pick things out of the country outside the country

In response to the support of the United States and other Philippines, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi advised some countries outside the territory not to pick things up, choose to stand in line, and do not become a disruption and accident in the South China Sea.

Wang Yi at the Foreign Minister's press conference held during the two sessions of China on the same day, emphasizing that China ’s position on the South China Sea issue has sufficient historical and legal basis, and insist on properly adopted the negotiations and negotiations of the dialogue and negotiations directly through the dialogue and negotiations.Controlling disputes.He also shows that both China and Asians must continue to implement the behavior of the South China Sea and accelerate the discussion of the Code of Conduct of the South China Sea in order to maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea.