The member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticized the United States that "the mistakes of mistakes in China are still continuing" and continued to renovate the means of China. To the degree of incredible, the contradictions between the two countries after the San Francisco Xi -worship meeting were still deep.

Wang Yi on Thursday (March 7) At the Foreign Theme of the National People's Congress of China, many times directly or intangible contradictions in China and the United States.He said that Sino -US relations have made progress after the meeting between the heads of state of the two countries in November last year, but the United States' misunderstanding of China is still continuing and failed to truly fulfill its promises.

He criticized the United States' means for China to continue to renovate, and the list of unilateral sanctions on China continued to extend.

Wang Yi and portray the United States as an unconfident domineering country.He questioned: "If the United States hears the words" China ", it will be nervous and anxious. What is the confidence of the great powers ... If the United States insists on monopoly of the high -end value chain, it will only allow China to stay at the low end. What is the fair competition?" When answering another question about international order, Wang Yi did not name it to the United States again, emphasizing that equality's multi -poleization cannot allow individual or minority to monopolize international affairs, and no longer allow anyone to say that anyone who is big will say it will be said.Forget it, and some countries cannot be allowed to be on the table, some countries can only be in the menu.

The table and menu metaphorical he mentioned were the not named to fight back the recent speech by US Secretary of State Brinken.Blingken claimed during the Munich Safety Conference in Germany in February, "In the international system, if you are not on the table, you will appear on the menu."

As the United Union Allies have increased the target of China Technology and artificial intelligence to become a new track in a major country, Wang Yi did not name it when answering the related questions about artificial intelligence.// "R = Nofollow Target = _blank>" "Small Card Wall" in artificial intelligence will damage the complete supply chain of the international industry chain and weakenThe ability to deal with risks and challenges.

Although he repeatedly counterattacked the United States many times in answering questions, compared with the tough "wolf -style" statement at the Chinese Foreign Minister's press conference in previous years, Wang Yi's wording was relatively eased.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, commented in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Wang Yi had a balance between the two, and showed a constructive policy tone in a firm policy expression and relatively gentle discourse transmission.

Zhu Feng interpreted: "Facing the tension and turbulence of the international situation, China should expand international cooperation as much as possible, provide Chinese voices, and further strengthen communication, dialogue, and exchanges with countries ... (after all) diplomacy is not a simple accusation attack.Diplomacy also finds common actions. "

He believes that the constructive tone of foreign ministers' press conference reflects how China thinks and actions to promote stability and peace under the current international situation.

After the former foreign minister Qin Gang was removed from office last July, Wang Yi, the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, served as a foreign minister.This is the first press conference of Wang Yi's first two sessions after re -serving as a foreign minister.

In about 1 hour and 30 minutes, Wang Yi answered the question of 21 Chinese and foreign journalists, involving hot issues such as Sino -Russian, China -EU relations, Harbin conflict, Taiwan issues, the Russian and Uchia War, Peninsula issue, and South China Sea.

Wang Yi highly evaluated Sino-Russian relations .A new paradigm completely different from the old -fashioned relationship between the Cold War ", and indicates that this is a big relationship between" not alliance, not confrontation, and not targeting third parties ";There is no geographical strategic contradiction, and the common interests of both sides are far greater than differences. "

Recently, China and the Philippines have continued to friction. At the time, people were accidentally mentioned directly.However, he emphasized that China "is not allowed to be abused by good faith and is distorted by the Ocean Law." It also warns that countries outside the territory should not pick up troubles, and not to become a disabler and a perpetrator.He also reiterated that China is willing to work hard with the Asian Gyeongan country to strive to reach the South China Sea Conduct as soon as possible.

Wang Yi also uses this occasion to explain the direction of China's foreign policy. When answering the first question, he emphasized China will be more confident and self -reliance , forging the character of Chinese diplomacy, and will also preside over fairness and justice to clearly understand China's diplomacy.

Since the official will no longer hold a press conference after the two sessions this year, the Foreign Minister Press Conference has become the most noticeable event of the two sessions.

Wang Yi also rarely responded to a issue on China's business environment and economic prospects at a press conference, emphasizing that "the development of China is inseparable from the world, and the development of the world is inseparable from China.It will miss the opportunity by misjudgment of China. "