Requires anonymous insiders saying that Chinese communication equipment giantsHuawei and chip manufacturers SMIC, relying on American technology to produce a advanced seven -nano -chip in China last year.

Bloomberg News on Friday (March 8) quoted people familiar with the matter. The SMIC, based in Shanghai, used the American Applied Materials and semiconductor production equipment manufacturers Lam Research last year.The equipment produces a advanced seven -nano -chip for Huawei.

People familiar with the matter said that SMIC obtained these equipment before the United States implemented the ban on advanced semiconductor equipment in October 2022.

In recent years, the United States has cooperated with Japan and the Netherlands to cooperate with major semiconductor production countries to carry out scientific and technological plugging in China in order to achieve the purpose of curbing its scientific and technological progress and obtaining military advantages.

However, Huawei still launched new smartphones with 5G functions and cutting -edge processors last August.Bloomberg commissioned the semiconductor industry observation agency Tech Insights to dismantle this phone and found that this chip was produced by SMIC and adopted the seven -nano -chip technology, indicating that its manufacturing capabilities far exceeded the technical level of the United States to try to prevent China.

A report released by the United States last November believes that despite a large -scale restriction, China can still bypass restrictions to obtain advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment.Bloomberg reported last October that the advanced processor of Huawei's new smartphone was produced by SMIC's use of Dutch semiconductor equipment giant Acemai equipment.

But officials of the US Department of Commerce believe that they have not seen evidence to indicate that SMICE produces a large -scale seven -nano -chip.Asmore CEO Peter Wennink also agreed with this statement.

In an interview with Bloomberg at the end of January, Wan Peter said that if SMIC wants to promote technology without the most advanced extremely ultraviolet light carvings system, they will face technical challenges and cannot produce.Commercial chip.