(Manila Road Power) The tension of the South China Sea continues to heat up. The Philippines and the United States will hold perennial military exercises in key sea areas facing the South China Sea and Taiwan from the end of April to the beginning of May.

Colonel Losco, the Philippine Army, said that this year's Philippine "Balikatan" joint military exercises will be transferred from the large military camp in the suburbs to the north and west.This is to cooperate with the Philippines' focus from internal defense to external defense.

Losco disclosed that Batness, the closest to Taiwan, may once again become one of the place of exercise this year, but he emphasized that the exercise has nothing to do with Taiwan.

He said: "It is normal for us to perform exercises in these areas, because it is part of the Philippine territory, a place for us to wave the banner, and the area we guard."

The Philippines said in early February that it is necessary to strengthen military existence in the Badan Islands, including increasing infrastructure.

The South China Sea, where the province of Balawwang, western Philippines is also within the scope of the exercise. Manila and Beijing have frequently rubbed in this sea in the past year."We can fully perform joint operations at these locations."

A Philippine diplomat said that this year's exercise may be greater than last year, and it will focus on network security training and information warfare.Last year's "side -by -side" military exercise was the largest joint military exercise in the Philippines, and as many as 17,600 military personnel participated.

Losko said that the US -Philippine army will conduct sinking ship exercises the same as last year as last year.In addition, the Australian army, which participated in the exercise last year, will also participate again this year. The French Navy participated for the first time this year.

France and the Philippines are visiting the mutual visit agreement to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries.