The United States sanction eight Chinese entities on the grounds of providing support to Russia. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce criticized the United States as a typical unilateral sanction, which destroyed the rules and order of international economic and trade.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce of China on Monday (February 26) in response to the above incident on the official website in the form of a reporter's question, the Chinese side noticed the situation.The US approach is typical unilateral sanctions, "long -arm jurisdictions" and economic stress, destroying international economic and trade rules and order, harming the security and stability of the global industrial chain supply chain, and China has resolutely opposed it.

The spokesman emphasized that China will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War, the US Department of Commerce last Friday (February 23) announced on the grounds of supporting Russia, and announced that it was announced to Russia, and announced that they would announce their support to Russia.93 entities in India and South Korea have implemented new trade restrictions, 63 of which are from Russia, 16 from Turkey, eight from China, and four from the UAE.This is one of the latest rounds of sanctions and export control measures adopted by the United States and its partners and allies against Russia in Ukraine.

US President Biden announced on the same day that Washington will release more than 500 new sanctions against Russia to increase pressure on Moscow.