Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, published a congratulatory word for the Chinese New Year in the country in the United States, said that he felt the affection and love of Chinese children from each other from everyone, the concern and wishes of the ancestors (citizenship),Expectation and support for the stable development of Sino -US relations.

According to a press release issued on Sunday (February 4), the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng issued the Chinese New Year's congratulatory words in the United States, to overseas Chinese, Chinese students, and Chinese -funded institutions in the United States.To the New Year blessing.

Xie Feng said that it was extraordinary in the past year.China has worked forward in the baptism of storms, the epidemic prevention and control is steadily converted, the economy has risen better, and actively expands its opening up.The consensus consensus has opened up the future -oriented "San Francisco Vision"; a series of home diplomacy ushered in the guests and friends of Wuzhou, global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative to take root, and the construction of the community of human destiny was solid.

Xie Feng pointed out that after working in the United States in May last year, he saw a lot of unwavering old friends, and he also met a lot of new friends who were drums and calls for Sino -US relations.The affection and love between Chinese children, the concerns and wishes of the ancestors (citizenship) countries, and their expectations and support for the stable development of Sino -US relations.Everyone has worked hard and worked hard in the United States, and made positive contributions to the local economic and social development. At the same time, they did not forget to care about supporting the development of the ancestors (citizenship), vigorously promote the excellent Chinese culture, and actively build a bridge of communication and communication.

Xie Feng finally said that Long represents auspiciousness, prosperity and strength.I wish every "dragon's heir" successful and dreaming.