(Manila Comprehensive News) Philippine President President President President President President President President Macco approved the third phase of the army's modernization, including the purchase of the first submarine in the Philippines to defend the Philippine sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Roy Trinidad, a Philippine Navy spokesman responsible for the Western Philippines waters, accepted media interviews on Thursday (February 1) that the modernization of the third stage reflected the shift from inside defense to foreign defenseEssence

He did not disclose how many submarines planned to buy in the Philippines, but said "there must be more than one."He said: "We may not be a huge navy ... but we will have a navy that can safeguard our rights and sovereignty."

He also said that France, Spain, South Korea, and Italy all intend to sell submarines to the Philippines.At present, in Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Myanmar have submarines, and Thailand also plans to buy it.

Trinida added that the first and second stages of the Philippine Army's modernization are mainly arms, and the third stage will seek to enhance the military capabilities of the Western Philippines Sea.

The Philippines named the exclusive economic zone west of the Philippines as the West Philippines, but China also claims to have the sovereignty of the South China Sea.

The Philippines has recently been increasingly tense relationship with China in the South China Sea. At this time, Magakus approved this plan that focused on improving the strength of the navy, which is considered to cope with China's increasingly tough attitude in the South China Sea.

It is expected to cost 2 trillion yuan of peso procurement for military reserve will gradually be implemented in the next 10 years

According to the Philippine questioner, Magaks approved the revised military modernization plan, which is more in line with the Philippines' needs.The plan, called "RE-Horizon 3", is expected to cost 2 trillion pizza (about 47.8 billion yuan) procurement for military reserve, which will be gradually implemented in the next 10 years.

Reports pointed out that this is the last stage of the Filipino's modernization plan to deal with the radicals of China in the South China Sea in 2013.The Philippine Ministry of Defense will increase the purchase of modern weapons and equipment through this plan to enhance defense capabilities and respond to new threats that may occur.

The Philippine Defense Defense Dorodo mentioned last month that the modernization of the third stage of the army will be concentrated in a series of capabilities of the army, including perception, intelligence collection, maritime and air surveillance, reconnaissance and deterrence, etc.Essence

According to the original "Horizon 3" plan submitted by the Philippine Armed Forces, the official procurement list includes multi -purpose fighter, frigates, missiles and radars.However, due to capital issues, the armed forces had to re -examine and formulate new procurement plans last year.The revised "RE-Horizon 3" plan still focuses on comprehensively improving the defense capabilities and projects to areas that require more protection. For example, the South China Sea has sovereign disputes.