(Beijing Comprehensive News) Many Chinese people are frustrated with poor economic slowdown and poor stock market performance. They chose the social media account of the US Embassy in China as a unconventional vent of channels.

On Friday (February 2), the American Embassy released a spokesman Rachael Chen on Weibo.Massive messages.By Sunday evening, this Weibo has more than 21,000 likes and 35,000 messages.

On the same day, the American Embassy also posted a post on protecting wild giraffe. As of Sunday evening, this post also attracted nearly 140,000 comments and 16,000 reposts. Many of them have nothing to do with wildlife protection.Essence

According to Reuters, some netizens said in a forwarding post: "Can you give us some missiles and explode the Shanghai Stock Exchange?" Another netizen commented that the Weibo of the US Embassy in China "The crying wall of the Chinese retail investors. "

The Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index fell 6.3%last month, hitting a new low in five years.The Chinese government held a executive meeting of the State Council on January 22, stating that "more powerful and effective measures should be taken to stabilize the market and stabilize confidence."Since then, officials have continued to increase their efforts to soothe investors, but the effect sometimes is counterproductive.

The People's Daily published an article entitled "The whole country is filled with an optimistic atmosphere" article on Friday. Netizens do not seem to buy it.When a netizen forwarded the US Embassy's Weibo, "the entire giraffe group was filled with an optimistic and upward atmosphere."

According to the Red Star News report, on February 3, a network notification document stated that the securities technology building of the Shanghai Stock Exchange received the police request that it was necessary to strengthen the safety inspection of foreign items such as express delivery and takeaway.The staff later explained that takeaway does not require security checks, but the required express delivery is unknown.