According to reports, the United States has plans to attack Iraq and Syria"Iranian personnel and facilities", led to Three U.S. Jordan drone attacks .

The United States Colombia Broadcasting Corporation News (CBS News) quoted four U.S. officials on Thursday (February 1) that the United States evaluated that the three US military deaths and no other 40 people were injured.Human -machine was made in Iran.

Sources said the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard is withdrawing their senior officers out of Syria.

Iran denies that the drone attack of UAV bases in the Northeast of Jordan last Sunday (January 28) was what it did.This is the first time since the outbreak of the Gaza War in October last year.

On the other hand, Qatar and Egypt proposed to Hamas who managed the Gaza Strip in the Gaza Strip.Specific suggestions for extending the suspension of the battle , this proposal reached an agreement with Israel and the United States in Paris last week.

A Palestinian official said Hamas was unlikely to completely reject the proposal, but they would ask Israel to guarantee that it would not restore the battle, and Israel has not agreed to this.

A Qatar official said that although Hamas was "positive" on the proposal, they had not responded.

Taher Al-Nono, a media adviser to Hamas Politburo, told Reuters on Thursday that Hamas has received the ceasefire and release of the Gaza hostage for the Paris.One party responded.

Nuo Nuo said: "At this stage, the negotiation progress is zero, and we have not reached an agreement."