First of all, the vice presidential candidate Ma Ford resigned on Thursday (February 1), and then the former head of Jakarta Special Administrative Region Zhong Wanxue also announced the post of chairman of the Indonesian National Petroleum Corporation (Persamina) as the presidential candidateHuman Gandal and Ma Ford supplemented.Two heavy -level resignations, the election of Gandhar was lifted, and it hit the National Defense Minister Plaboor, led by Indonesian President Zoko and the polls.

Ma Ford's resignation has been brewing for some time.Gandhar said on January 23 that he had discussed with Malford to discuss his withdrawal from the cabinet.Ma Ford also expressed his intention to resign at the campaign that night.However, because he did not submit his resignation immediately, public opinion once questioned whether Ma Ford took the attention and stimulated the bottom of the polls, but did not intend to act.It wasn't until one week later that he officially submitted his resignation that he had eliminated the external doubts.

Select resignation to avoid conflicts of interest in campaign activities and official duties.This reason is understandable, but in terms of the development of the state of development, there is no consideration at time.Now that we know that we need to take measures to avoid conflicts of interest, if they are announced at the end of October last year, they will be more convincing.

The reason why candidates should also be a public office have caused a recent discussion. One of the reasons is that the Social media posts of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense are attached to the label supporting Plaboor and deputy Gibblan.Suspected.Earlier, Indonesian media also reported that vehicles of some government agencies were used for campaign activities.

President Zoko's desire to perform in this election campaign, but the release signal to support Plabovo's approach also aroused dissatisfaction.In the preliminary stage of the election, he said that he had to be neutral, but at the end of last month, he said that the president could choose the edge. From the outside, it seemed that it was tantamount to "moving the dragon gate".

The chaos of elections has aroused dissatisfaction in academic circles.Since Wednesday (January 31), several well -known universities in Indonesia have issued declarations for a long time to criticize the current status of democracy in Zoko, such as law, democracy and moral corruption.Scholars condemned all behaviors of freedom of speech and asked Zoko to maintain neutrality.The emotions of dissatisfaction and anxiety penetrated into the workshop, and the people who opposed Plabovo also gradually formed a view that Zoko should resign.

The Indonesian Election Law allows Zheng and Vice President to participate in the campaign.Zoko also used this law to defend himself, emphasizing that the president also has a political nature in addition to public office, so it can be selected, provided that it does not use national resources during the campaign.

However, some constitutional experts pointed out that the election law also lists the situation that is applicable to Zheng and Vice President to participate in the campaign, including Zheng and Vice President to seek re -election or help their party elections.

Avoiding the conflict of interest is only one of the reasons for resignation.In this election, resignation has also become a political tool.Ma Ford and Zhong Wanxue resigned from the public office high -profile, in fact, they are also seizing the moral highland. Compared with Zoko, Plabovo and Giblan, which have not resigned from the public office, they have made public opinion pressure on the opponent's camp.Attracting all parties to pay attention to the Gandhar camp, which helps polls at the bottom of the Gandhar, also shows that the Democratic Party of the struggle will fight to the end.

This resignation style is affected by those who do not participate in the campaign.More than two weeks ago, the news of up to 15 cabinet ministers was dissatisfied with Zoko and intentionally resigned collectively. Among them, Mu Yanni, the Minister of Finance, attracted much attention.The struggle sent the Democratic Secretary of the Democratic Party Hast on Saturday (3rd) in an interview with Gandchar's actual activity venue that Mu Yanni met with the party leader Megavarti because of a business.He was asked if the two had no positive response when they talked about Mu Yanni's resignation rumors, only to say that the content of the talks "starts from the interests of the people and the country."

In fact, the resignation is not resigned, and it seems that the form is more than substantial.Compared with the ancients' resignation, they were willing to be far away because they were tired of the officialdom. The resignation of the Indonesian election season also protested.Who will the next protest?