A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, responded to the question of the US Department of Defense to include the list of Chinese enterprises in the list of military enterprises that urged the United States to immediately correct the above discrimination and provide fair, fair and non -discrimination for Chinese enterprises' operations.environment of.

In response to the US Department of Defense, the Ministry of Defense included Chinese chip companies including the Yangtze River Storage and other Chinese chip companies in the list of Chinese military companies. Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Thursday (February 1)The concept of security, setting a list of discrimination of various names, unreasonably targeting Chinese enterprises, and destroying normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States.

He said that the United States 'approach violates its consistent market competition principles and international economic and trade rules, crack down on the confidence of foreign companies' investments in the United States, and harms the interests of American companies and investors.

Wang Wenbin said that in fact, the US government is the main manner of the military -civilian integration policy.The US military -civilian integration policy can be traced back to the establishment of a battle of scientific and technological towns such as Silicon Valley in Silicon Valley and other technological towns to guide high -tech enterprises to accelerate the militaryization and practicalization of technology.Many large American multinational companies are military -civilian fusion, and their business scope and product types crossed the military and civilians.

He emphasized that the Chinese side urged the United States to immediately correct the above discrimination practices and provide a fair, fair and non -discriminatory environment for Chinese enterprise operations.China will continue to firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of their own enterprises.

The US Department of Defense reported on Wednesday (January 31) to expand the investment blacklist. More than ten Chinese companies such as Yangtze River Storage and Shanghai Hesai Technology were listed.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States said that China opposes the above measures, saying that doing so is the abuse of national power, and said that the move is against the United States that "the promise of" claiming to be committed to market competition and international fair trade "offsets the United States.Essence