For the issue of cross -strait tourism exchanges, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China said on Wednesday (April 24) that positive measures will take positive measures to promote exchanges and cooperation between cross -strait fields, including tourism.

Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, met with former President Ma Ying -jeou in Beijing on the 10th of this month.Xi Jinping talked about the consciousness of firmly building the Chinese nation community consciousness that it would take more effective measures to actively promote cross -strait exchanges and exchanges.See. "

When asked if this means that when the Chinese side will consider opening up residents to travel to Taiwan, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Zhu Fenglian said on Wednesday that Xi Jinping's important speech reflects the cross -strait compatriots goes more and more.Close, get more and more close, and continue to deepen the common desire of cross -strait integration and development.

She said that although cross -strait exchanges and cooperation still exists in some human resistance and obstacles in Taiwan, as long as compatriots on both sides of the strait work together and eliminate obstacles, cross -strait exchanges and cooperation will usher in light prospects."We will take positive measures to promote exchanges and cooperation between cross -strait fields including tourism."

According to the United Daily News, Song Tao, the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, met with Liu Zhaoxuan, the former president of Taiwan and the chairman of the Taiwan State Cross -Strait Entrepreneurs Summit in Changzhou, and also emphasized that China and his party also emphasized that ChinaThe mainland will fully implement the spirit of the important speech of Jinping.

The mainland government has suspended the residents of the mainland in Taiwan in August 2019. Only 20 Haixi urban residents went to Golden Gate, Matsu, and Penghu's personal travel endorsement applications to restore.

But the part of the Golden Horse Traveling and Cross -Strait Touring Tour has been stopped by the cross -strait border control since the beginning of 2020.At present, new measures have not been launched in mainland China, and the short -term opening of the group in Taiwan will end in the end of May.

Taiwan has previously announced that the "banning group" will be lifted from March 1 this year and will open Taiwan to travel to mainland China.The mainland has not arranged for the Luke tour group to Taiwan so far, and recently announced that it has changed the operation of routes such as M503. "