Former Kuomintang Chairman Hong Xiuzhu revealed that he will lead nearly 200 young people in Taiwan in July to visit mainland China, and hopes that youths on both sides of the strait will be in -depth contact, understand each other, compare their hearts, and have true friendship.

According to the news of the WeChat public account "Sea Sea" on Wednesday (April 17), Hong Xiuzhu recently accepted the above statement in an exclusive interview with the "Sea Sea" and "Sun Moon Tan Tian" of the mainland CCTV.It is also said that the Taiwan youth who visited the land will live with mainland youths for several days and interact directly.

Hong Xiuzhu believes that the visiting and exchanges of Taiwanese youths to the mainland has enhanced their recognition of the Chinese culture and the Chinese nation, and it is of great significance to their life experience.Based on the connection between the same Chinese nation and blood veins, with the common goal of rejuvenating China, it will be entrusted to young people on both sides of the strait in the future.She hopes that Taiwanese youths will not only harvest in mainland China, but more importantly, they will not forget the mission of her body.

Hong Xiuzhu said: "We are all Chinese, whether you are Taiwanese, you are Cantonese, you are Shandong, we are all descendantsThe identity of identity also recognizes the mission we should have in the future.Resistance, unity and love, work together.Hong Xiuzhu said that she agreed with this sentence very much.She said, "Hope in youth" is to allow youths on both sides of the strait to communicate with each other, with new understanding and new understanding.