A US Navy patrol aircraft flying over the sensitive Taiwan Strait on Wednesday; a few hours before, the Sino -US Defense Minister has just held the first substantial contact for more than a year.Interviewed scholars believe that this is a vivid portrayal of the current Sino -US relations and the vivid portrayal of dialogue and cooperation.

According to a statement issued by the Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy, a P-8A "Poseidon" patrol aircraft (also used to perform anti-submarine mission) fly over the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday (April 17) local time.

Statement stated: "The United States has carried out operations in the Taiwan Strait in accordance with the International Law and safeguarded the navigation rights and freedoms of various countries. This aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait and showed the United States' commitment to the Indo -Pacific region of freely opening."

A spokesperson for the Eastern Theater of the PLA of China, Li Yan, the Naval Academy, then accused the United States of "public hype", and said that the theater organized fighter aircraft to cross the US aircraft and supervisor.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the US military aircraft flew from north to south. The Taiwan military has been monitoring, but no abnormal situation has been observed.

The last time the U.S. Navy announced that flying over the Taiwan Strait was in December last year.

Before the U.S. military aircraft flew over the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun and the US Minister of Defense Austin just held video calls on Tuesday. The two sides discussed the defense relationship between the two countries, as well as regions and global security issues.

This is after Dong Jun took office in Defense Mission in December last year, China, the United StatesThe first call of the Defense Minister ; also after meeting with former Chinese Defense Minister Wei Feng and the former Chinese Defense Minister Wei Feng in November 2022, Austin had a substantial exchanges with the Chinese Defense Minister again after more than a year.

According to the news released by the Pentagon, Austin reiterated in the call that , the United States and China, and the six guarantees, has also reiterated the importance of peace and stability on both sides of the Straits.

Austin also emphasizes the importance of the freedom of navigation freedom of the international law.Especially in the South China Sea .He also discussed with Dong Jun the war that Russia initiated Ukraine and expressed concern about North Korea's recent provocations.

According to the news released by the Ministry of National Defense, Dong Jun also named the safety hotspots of the two regions of Taiwan and the South China Sea in the call.

Dong Jun emphasized that the issue of Taiwan is the core of China's core interests, and China's core interests must not be damaged; the PLA will never hear it for all "Taiwan independence" split activities and external vertical support.

He also said that regional countries have the willingness, intelligence, and ability to solve the problem of the South China Sea; the United States should recognize the firm position of China, effectively respect the Chinese territorial sovereignty and marine rights, and maintain regional peace, China and the United States with actual actions to maintain regional peace, China and the United StatesThe relationship between the two countries and the two armies is stable.

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that the Dialogue of the Defense Minister and the military aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait.No concession.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, also said in an interview that China and the United States agreed to restore exchanges between the two armies at the San Francisco Summit in November last year to effectively control the differences and contradictions.It is impossible to relax the basic trend against China. This is the vivid portrayal of the complexity of Sino -US relations.

After the video calls of Austin and Dong Jun, the press release issued by the two countries still spoke on the hot topic.Story20240406-3303780 "rel = nofollow target = _blank>, but they all intend to maintain contact in the military field .

Dong Jun said that the military field is the key to ensuring the implementation of the consensus of the head of state, the stability of the relationship between the relationship between the two countries, and preventing the occurrence of a major crisis.

Austin emphasizes the importance of continuing the communication channels of the United States and China forces, and reiterated the announcement of the call between the San Francisco Summit of the US -China San Francisco Summit on the restoration of the call between the war zone commanders.

Zhu Feng believes that in maintaining military exchanges, the expectations of the two sides are not much different. The most important thing is to adhere to the basic direction of non -conflict and non -confrontation; the more tense geopolitical situations, the more irreplaceable military exchanges and cooperation, the more irreplaceable military exchanges and cooperation.Important strategic significance.