The Taiwan Constitutional Court will hold a speech debate on whether the death penalty is constitutional next Tuesday (April 23).The judge should not expand its power to declare the death penalty.

Comprehensive Taiwan Newspaper United Daily reported that when the Constitutional Court of Taiwan is about to pay abolition of the death penalty, Weng Xiaoling, the legislator of the party members of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, delivered an opinion on the court of court to the Constitutional Court to convey the Kuomintang Party to convey the Kuomintang PartyProposition of the death penalty system.

Weng Xiaoling posted on Facebook on Wednesday (April 17) that this 20 -page and 20,000 -character "Book of Friends of the Court", from the "explanation of the Judge's Conference" "The perspective of the perspective of the public opinion of the death penalty "" the international community's view of the death penalty "," the experience of US justice on the constitutional review of the death penalty "and the" freedom of the legislation of the death penalty "and the" freedom of the legislation of the death penalty ", explaining the reasons to maintain the constitution of the current death penalty system.

Weng Xiaoling wrote that in the past 40 years, the Judge Conference of the Court of Justice has made three constitutional interpretations of the constitution of the death penalty.debate.

She advocates that the death penalty is the current legal criminal law in Taiwan, and the death penalty is a major legislative policy. Before the death penalty system was abolished without the revision of the law of the Legislative Yuan, the big judge should not rashly expand its power to declare the death penalty.

She said that more than 75 % of people in Taiwan society opposed the abolition of the death penalty.Over the years, there have been repeated brutal homicide in Taiwan. The people's hearts cannot tolerate these actions.Essence

Weng Xiaoling emphasized that when the people's feelings still cannot accept the abolition of the death penalty, if the judge's rash expansion announces the death penalty, it will not only face the dilemma of "violation of the majority", but also be criticized by constitutional expansion.It must be careless.

The Constitutional Court of Taiwan will hold a speech debate on the Constitution of the death penalty on April 23. This is the first time that Taiwan's highest judicial organs have launched judicial debate on the existence of the death penalty.

This debate is aimed at 37 death prisoners in Taiwan, as well as applications proposed by representatives of human rights groups and lawyers.Word debate focuses on whether the death penalty is unconstitutional and what kind of supporting measures need to be required for the constitution, and the constitutional interpretation application is proposed to the Taiwan Justice Court.Twelve judges will make a judgment as soon as the end of July 2024.

If the Constitutional Court sentences the death penalty to the constitution, it may give the death prisoner who is currently detained to get the opportunity to re -examine the case, and even lift the identity of the death penalty.

However, the Kuomintang questioned that there are nine judges who have shown their positions and abolished evidence of abolition in the past.Some public opinion questioned that seven of these 12 judges were about to step down. At this time, the major issues of the debate were suspicious.