Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's visit to mainland China is close to the end. Some accompanying Taiwan media reporters received notifications on Tuesday (April 9) in the evening, and will be screened twice the next day.The highly anticipated "Xi Ma Erhui" may appear on Wednesday (10th) in the afternoon.

The official Chinese official scheduled to meet with Ma Ying-jeou on the 8th, Deceive on the 10th , but the relevant itinerary is always confidential.

Ma Ying -jeou, who arrived on the third day of Beijing, visited the Badaling Great Wall on Tuesday, and held a discussion of teachers and students at Peking University.Ma Ying -jeou mentioned during the meeting that he hoped that compared with the model of last year, he invited the teachers and students of Peking University to visit Taiwan again, and the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation arranged various activities.

According to the United Daily report, some interviewers with the regiment received an official text message after finishing the interview of Peking University, asking reporters to be at 7:15 am and 11:30 on the 10th to the Chinese hotel where Ma Ying -jeou stayed in Ma Ying -jeou.At the Chamber of Commerce, the nucleic acid screening is performed twice, and a reporter's document will be issued at that time; at 2:45 pm, you will interview at the North Gate of the Great Hall of the People.

Although the specific interview content is not mentioned, the report is based on the strict extent of the screening of nucleic acid screening, which is likely to meet with the Chinese official, so that there are such high standards.

It is understood that Ma Ying -jeou will visit the Chinese Academy of Space Technology on the morning of the same day, but interviews with the media involving the secrets of aerospace technology and non -open media;

As for the afternoon interview itinerary, the evening trip was not disclosed to accompanying media.

Zhang Hongyuan, an associate professor of the International Trade Department of Taiwan Zhili University of Science and Technology, who was once the deputy director of the Ministry of Mainland Affairs of the Kuomintang, was analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post. From then on various arrangements, it can be clearly seen that Beijing's dominance of Ma Ying -jeou's itinerary and issues.Compared with Ma Ying -jeou, the outside world is more concerned about the Chinese official at this time to release the two sides of the strait.

He believes that Chinese officials will release the possibility of peaceful interaction, integrating development, and coexistence in peace with the future relationship of the two sides of the Strait.Foreign expressions have not changed the foundation of peace on both sides of the strait.

In November 2015, Chinese officials and Ma Ying -jeou, then Taiwan, held their first "Xi Jun" in Singapore to realize their first meeting since the cross -strait score in 1949.