Former President Ma Ying -jeou, who was visiting mainland China, visited the Chinese People's Anti -Japanese War Memorial Hall and Lugou Bridge on Monday (April 8th) that the war did not win and there was no loser.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, when Ma Ying -jeou visited the Anti -Japanese War Memorial Museum, he told the Museum curator from the beginning that the Taiwanese were not absent from the War of Resistance.

When seeing the introduction of the "Cairo Declaration", the guide said that this clearly states that Japan's theft of China, such as the four northeast provinces, Taiwan, and Penghu Islands to return to China.Ma Ying -jeou praised: "It's quite familiar", and the guide said to Ma Ying -jeou: "I have heard a lecture on you, and emphasized the" Cairo Declaration "."It also appeared in the treaty of Japan, the United States, and the United Nations. "If you can't run away, some people say that this is not an international treaty, but it is just a historic document. This is a person who has no common sense of international law. Of course, it is a treaty."The "Cairo Declaration" and "Potsdam Announcement" are both treaties.

Ma Ying -jeou went to Lulou Bridge to visit and published a conversation that commemorating the July 7 incident, not just reviewing history.

He also said that both the people on both sides of the strait have been bullied by the Japanese warlords in both the mainland or Taiwan, and the casualties are heavy.

Ma Ying -jeou also used the word "my country" in the conversation: "Most of the young people now do not know, how much contributed to the victory of World War II and the world in the end." There is no winner, there is no loser.

Taiwan media reported that Ma Ying -jeou was scheduled to hold the "Xi Ma Second Society" with Xi Jinping, President of China on Monday with the President of Mainland China, but this meeting was changed until Wednesday (April 10).