Image source, EPA

Liang Junyan (middle), chairman of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in China, said that he would "do everything possible and complete the legislation as soon as possible."

On the occasion of the "Two Sessions" of China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government accelerated Article 23 of the National Security Legislative Legislative Legislative Legislative Council, and the Legislative Council opened a plenary meeting.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao reiterated that he would "complete the legislation as soon as possible", and critics were worried that the human rights and freedom of Hong Kong would be further eaten.

The Legislative Council will open a plenary meeting on Friday (March 8) to listen to the government's motion debate and debate to maintain the draft national security regulations.Its content includes a rebellion, theft and disclosure of national secrets, rebellion and other crimes.These contents are not covered in the Hong Kong National Security Law issued by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China in 2020, and some crimes can lead to life imprisonment.

The same as the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the draft of the National Security Regulations is written into the exterior efficiency clause.In addition, the police will be approved by the court to investigate the unsuccessful national security case suspect for up to 16 days -more than 48 hours more than general crimes -and can restrict the suspect's consulting lawyer.Safety is forbidden for individual organizations or enterprises to operate.

Some media quoted rumors in the political circle that the authorities hope to complete legislation before China's "National Security Education Day" on April 15.He Junyao, a member of the Legislative Council, believes that the day was the ideal day to complete the legislative.

Deng Bingqiang, director of the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region China Special Administrative Region, emphasized that implementing the "23 legislation" is a gap in "blocking national security", and reiterated 98.6%of the public consultation earlier to obtain public consultation.There is a strong foundation for public opinion; Liang Junyan, chairman of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, said that he would "do everything possible to complete the legislation as soon as possible."

On the eve of submitting the draft, the Chief Executive Li Jiachao posted on Facebook to reiterate that "the constitutional responsibility that has not been fulfilled in Hong Kong for 26 years", "completed the legislation in one day, and the risk of threats to national security will be less than one day."

Some members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, which were originally attended in the country in Beijing, rushed back to Hong Kong to attend a special meeting on Friday.At the same time, Zhao Leji, the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, reads the work report on Friday on Friday, mentioned many times to maintain national security, including "the legal system and implementation mechanism of maintaining the national security of the special administrative region."

Whether the legislation of the Basic Law of the Basic Law in Hong Kong has become it.Public taboo?

Part of the recommendations for the draft national security draft "Hong Kong" State Legislative Legislative CaseCharges and punishment

Image source, bloomberg/getty images


Under the Hong Kong legislative procedure, the draft bill must be approved by the first reading, second reading, and three reading debates, and then submitted to the Chief Executive to sign the effect and report it to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for record. Among them, the second reading will generally "Stay to be renewed, and send the bill to the special responsibility committee for a closer look, and then return to the conference to restore the second reading.The special meeting on Friday completed the completion of the second reading and stopped processing procedure. The relevant committees also opened the meeting in the afternoon to conduct a review.

Some media in Hong Kong quoted rumors of political circles that the Li family's government hopes to complete legislation before China's legal "National Security Education Day" on April 15.He Junyao, a member of the Legislative Council Election Committee, said in a collective meeting with reporters after the conference.This one is to maintain the national security regulations, I think it is an ideal day. "

"On Wednesday and Thursday in April, the second and third reading, is it ideal and exciting?"

image source, bloomberg/getty images

The Hong Kong demonstration frequent guest "Wang Fengyao" Wang Fengyao was lonely to the British flag outside the SAR Government's headquarters and protested the "23" legislation.

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce issued a statement to express support after the first study of the bill.Orient Capital Research, managing director Andrew Collier, commented to Reuters: "They want to quickly pass '23 legislation ', explain that they are concerned about public opposition.In protecting personal rights, otherwise the business community will not be happy. "

Professor Yang Aiwen, deputy dean of the School of Law of the University of Hong Kong, also told Reuters that the definition of crimes in the draft is loose, especially the "overseas intervention" and "collusion of overseas forces" may make companies feel challenged.

Yang Aiwen said: "Maybe those companies or groups that contact the foreign government will fall into the detection scope of 'overseas forces'."

Zhan Zhihong, a spokesman for the Taiwan Committee of Taiwan on Friday, said on Friday that it is not surprising that the Hong Kong government's declaration of "23 legislations" has been fully supported.Freedom, democracy and human rights, as well as its independent judicial justice, etc., is it gradually gradually disappearing and deprived.

"This will affect the lifestyle of 7.5 million residents in Hong Kong, and it will also affect the economic and judicial status that Hong Kong has always been respected in the past.

At present, Zheng Jialang, former vice chairman of the Hong Kong Zhizhi Party, was described in an interview with the BBC connection on Thursday (7th) that few people in Hong Kong under the Hong Kong National Security Law were willing to speak up to criticize the government.

Zheng Jialang said: "Basically, those who dare to speak have been put into jail, and the rest of the people are no longer willing to speak."

The Hong Kong Reporter Association believes that the "23" legislative case "confirms the concerns that the Jizu Association proposes the law in the consultation period that will restrain Hong Kong's freedom of news and speech."

"The many contents of the association believe that the draft will only seriously deepen the cold cicada effects and turn Hong Kong into a single voice.However, the scope of exemption is still relatively narrow than that of the Association of Key Association, nor does it not be aware of the definition of public interests.

The U.S. State Department and the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs have previously publicly called on the Hong Kong Government to re -consider the "23 Legislations".Lord Cameron, a British Foreign Minister, said that Britain understands that all jurisdictions are right to legislate to ensure national security and also understand that Hong Kong has constitutional responsibility to complete the "23 legislation", but the current legislative suggestions of the Hong Kong government will obstruct the speech., Expressing freedom of publishing with the media.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has opposed and criticized the British and the United States."

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Friday, said: "Article 23 legislative drafts of the Constitution today fully stated that this legislative balance takes into account the protection of national security and the freedom of rights and economic development.Protection and escort, provide a solid guarantee for the "one country, two systems," stable and far away. "