In 2014, the Sunflower Study Games occurred in Taiwan. The cross -strait interrupted service trade and cargo trade negotiations. The private groups participating in the school movement held the 10th anniversary party on Monday (March 18) to reiterate the demands., saying in the meeting, saying ten yearsIn different positions, there are places to disappoint everyone.

The Sun Flower Xue was transported at the joint meeting of the Legislative Yuan on March 17, 2014 at the co -meeting of the Legislative Yuan on March 17, 2014. It took only 30 seconds before and after the time before and after it was announced to be sent to the Legislative Court of the Legislative Yuan in only 30 seconds.question.Many college students and citizen groups rushed into the Legislative Yuan the next night and occupied the parliament, which lasted for 585 hours.

This is the first time that the highest legislature in Taiwan has been broken and occupied by the people, and it is also the largest "citizen disobedience" movement in Taiwan since the 1980s.

More than 30 non -governmental groups in Taiwan held the 10th anniversary party of the school movement outside the Legislative Yuan Qunxian Building on Monday, and proposed a statement of "against restarting trade goods and trade, rejection of Chinese political and economic coercion", calling on the new government in Taiwan, new government, new government, new government, new government, new government, new governmentThe Legislative Yuan should refuse to restart the service and trade negotiations with mainland China, and should also have a comprehensive dialogue with civic groups.

This party started from 6:30 pm to end at about 10 pm, and about hundreds of people participated at the scene.In order to prevent the people from occupying the Legislative Yuan again, the horses have been rejected around the afternoon and deployed police forces.

Taiwan civil society group held the tenth anniversary of the Sun Flower Student Games next to the Legislative Yuan on March 18, and played a documentary video of the school movement ten years ago.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

A number of sports participants, including the former DPP Deputy Secretary -General of the DPP, who were commanded by the Sun Flower, also delivered a speech at the party.Lin Feifan was on the stage and apologized to the participants of the school movement as a personal identity.

He said, in the past decade, many friends are looking forward to doing more things, "But in the decade, we have a place to disappoint everyone in different positions, so I want to tell you a sorry"" ".

In addition to the tenth anniversary party, the relevant groups have also held multiple discussions in the past two days to reflect on the results and insufficient results of the academic movement.

Professor Lu Jiande, a professor at the Department of Social Welfare of Chungzheng University in Taiwan, suggested the day before, the Sun Flower Student Games is still an unfinished political plan. Although it reduces the "Chinese factor" faced by Taiwan, it derives the turn of young generations to populism.

For the tenth anniversary of the Sunflower, most of the people of Ma Ying -jeou that year did not comment on low -key. Only when Xiao Xuzen, then the deputy secretary -general of the Presidential Palace and the executive chief of the current Ma Ying -jeou Cultural and Education Foundation, accepted an exclusive interview with the Taiwan news website."Self -misunderstanding the country" described the movement of that year.

He also criticized the Green Camp to pack the political movement with the academic movement coat, to achieve the substantial private interest of the regime change, and delay the progress of Taiwanese society.Xiao Xuzen even questioned that the DPP government has been in power for eight years. The "anti -black box" and "setting of cross -strait Agreement" of the Sun Flower Movement have not been achieved, indicating that the demands of these academic transport leaders are deceptive.

Taiwan civil society group held the tenth anniversary of the Sun Flower Student Games next to the Legislative Yuan on March 18. The public held a sign of "opposing restart trade and trade, rejection of China's political and economic coercion".(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

As for Huang Guochang, the current party legislator of the party who was regarded as a "tutor of the movement", on March 17, he criticized the Democratic Progressive Party on Facebook to proclaim the cross -strait conclusion and supervision regulations.

However, because he retired from the period of political parties initiated by the participants in the school movement last year, he switched to the people of the Taiwan people, and advocated cooperation with the Kuomintang to promote the bill, and was also criticized by his comrades -in -arms to betray the academic movement.