The latest polls of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation show that more than half of the public expects that the three major parties of the courts and the fields will organize the large joint government of the co -organized by the Democratic Progressive Party.However, interviewees believe that the prospects of Taiwan political parties' reconciliation and cooperation are not optimistic.

After the presidential and legislators elections on January 13, the DPP (green) voted at the president and the legislature was "not half a half", facing the Kuomintang (blue) and the people's party (white) in the face of the wild.The Legislative Yuan has been held on February 1, and the president Lai Qingde and the new cabinet will work on May 20.

The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation announced on Tuesday (March 19) to announce the polls for the new political situation after the election. It was found that among Taiwanese over 20 years old, 54.4%agreed to be organized by the blue, green and white three parties."(Grand Coalition), only 36%opposed.The second choice of 40.3%of the people is the blue -green co -government, more than half or 52.1%, and do not agree with the Democratic Progressive Party's separate pavilion.

Professor You Yinglong, a political scholar responsible for designing and judging polls, and chairman of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the current public opinion in Taiwan is obviously running in front of politics., Taiwan society is the most unacceptable but most likely to be true.

He said that it is foreseeable that the ruling party will face strong resistance in the opposition party and also stand on the opposite side of the mainstream public opinion. "A new and considerable political storm will take shape."

Civil Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was invited to conduct a "Cai Kehui" with Taiwan Cai Yingwen on March 14, saying that he hopes to establish a benign interactive platform for political parties.However, Lai Qingde, chairman of the DPP, who is about to be in power, and Zhu Lilun, the largest chairman of the Kuomintang of the Ward Party, did not participate. Lai, Zhu, and Ke, the leaders of the three parties, did not mention that they were ready to meet or communicate in the near future.

You Yinglong commented. Tsai Ing -wen's eight -year -old voice "Farewell to Qiu Bo" invited to communicate in the wild leader, which symbolizes more than a substantial effect. At present, there are no signs that the future blue -green and white leaders' relationships will lead to reconciliation and cooperation.

Aiming at the cross -strait relations that occurred on the Golden Champion Sea on February 14th, it has been extended for more than a month.One percentage point.

According to the analysis of You Yinglong, the results of the polls convey clearly, that is, most Taiwanese people are disappointed and disappointed by the government's performance of the government. The government has the responsibility to explain the truth of the matter and clarify and solve it as soon as possible.