Taiwan Foreign Ministry welcomes Prime Minister Isvatini to visit Taiwan.This is after the foreign minister of Isvatini, Dubeli, visited Taiwan on January 31, Isvatini sent a group to visit Taiwan again.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, the only diplomatic country in Africa, Eswatini, was formerly known as Swicknilan, Taiwan translated Stowini) Prime Minister Russell DlaminiThe Taiwan government invited to visit Taiwan on Monday (March 18), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed a sincere welcome.

This is the first visit to Taiwan since Derorcelason took over as Prime Minister Isvatini last year. In addition to PHILILE DLAmini, a member of the visiting group, also included IbitiniPrince H.R.H. Prince Lonkhokhela and his wife Inkhosikati Lamabuza Emelda, as well as Bertram Stewart, etc.

Taiwan, deputy Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde, and Chen Jianren, the president of the Executive Yuan, will meet with Prime Minister Isvatini Derracer, respectively. Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng will also have a banquet.

In addition, Prime Minister Isvatini Derracer will also visit companies such as Taoyuan Refinery and Taiwan Shi Xi Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. to discuss Taiwan to assist Isvatini for constructionThe details of cooperative plans such as strategic oil storage tanks.

Dai Russell will also attend the Isvatini Investment Business Opportunities held at the Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Trade Development Association at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Taipei on Wednesday (20th) to introduce Taiwanese industry to IsawaTani's superior geographical location and advantages of various tariffs in Africa invited Taiwanese businessmen to choose to use Isvatini as a product base for extending Africa.

Dai Russell visiting the group will also take the high -speed rail to Tainan to visit the successful university and the university's disaster prevention research center, as well as visiting the main venue of Tainan State Steel Falcon Basketball Team.

Following the visiting Taiwan on January 31 this year after the Isvarini Diplomacy and International Cooperation Minister Pholile Shakantu, Dalo, the highest administrative chief of the Isvarini government, led a group visit in the short term in the short term.Taiwan, highlighting the solid friendship of Taiwan.The Taiwan Foreign Ministry will continue to work closely with the Iraqi government to deepen the interactive exchanges of Taiwan and Yi in all fields to enhance the common welfare of the people of the two places.

Tsai Ing -wen visited Isa Vatini in September last year. At that time, Dai Belley served as the attending minister and accompanied Cai Yingwen's various visit.