Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan, went to the Legislative Yuan to generally ask the Legislative Yuan last Friday (March 15).Three days later, the Legislative Yuan's Prosecutor's Office explained that the incident had passed.

The recent personnel of the Legislative Yuan of South Korea ’s tanker rectified the Legislative Yuan, and the director of the General Affairs of the Legislative Yuan was transferred to the counselor, and the former deputy director of the Taichung City News Bureau Liao Jiongzhi was replaced.This matter is due to the long -term maintenance of the elevator of the Legislative Yuan. The legislators have complaints, and the new science legislative decoration office has been floating in engineering manufacturers who have cooperated with the Legislative Yuan for a long time.Elevator maintenance and office decoration have always been responsible for the General Affairs Office of the Legislative Yuan, and the personnel mobilization of South Korea ’s Yu has been recognized.

The polls announced by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on Tuesday (March 19) showed that the public's satisfaction with South Korea ’s Yu was 50 %, and the dissatisfaction was 304 %.You Yinglong, chairman of the Foundation, pointed out that the social image of South Korea ’s Yu has become better, and young people between the age of 20 and 24 have satisfied him with 50 % of him.

After the Legislative Yuan opened in February, the cabinet was as usual in as usual and five in the courtyard.DPP legislator Chen Tingfei entered the scene at 11.45 am on Friday. At that time, the KMT legislator Wang Hongwei was questioning whether Chen Tingfei asked whether the members could arrange for her to continue to ask at noon, but at noon was the rest time, Chen TingThe concubine was changed to a written question.

The officer knows the above -mentioned incident in the Welse Kuomintang legislator Luo Mingcai and Hong Shenhan, who took over in the afternoon, but at 2:30 pm, there was no one except Chen Jianren's cultural and military officials led by Chen Jianren, and South Korean Yu and the personnel.The legislators are present.South Korea ’s Yu’ s discussion rules sang three times for the legislators that should be questioned one by one.After that, the DPP legislators such as Hongshenhan rushed, but South Korea ’s Yu directly announced that the meeting was released.

Hong Shenhan and others held a press conference angrily, saying that South Korea ’s Yu should be announced at least to rest and cannot“ confiscate ”the right to inquire with the legislators by the Constitution.The DPP legislators laughed at South Korea ’s Yu to drink early to drink. Ke Jianming also blamed South Korea’ s special rights and people.

The Legislative Council's Division announced on Monday (March 18) that the contact at the time of the incident passed and sequentially.For Wang Hongwei, Luo Mingcai and Hong Shenhan's office were notified in the afternoon; later confirmed that Chen Tingfei was changed to a written question, and at 1:50 pm, the reminder reminded all the legislators including Hong Shenhan, including Hong Shenhan.

Hong Shenhan posted on Facebook many times. The DPP has no support, and netizens have burst into Hong's Facebook, saying that his statement is contradictory.Ke Jianming also changed his mouth that there was no legislator at the time, and South Korea ’s Yu also had difficulties, hoping to restore the DPP’ s legislators.However, the Kuomintang legislators adhere to the DPP must apologize first.

South Korea Yu Monday (March 18) convened the three -party legislature party group to summon the party group and Chen Tingfei to negotiate.However, for about an hour of negotiation, the opposition and the field still could not reach consensus, and South Korea ’s Yu announced that he would choose again.