Taiwan's accumulated circuit manufacturing company (TSMC) is reported.Consider introducing advanced packaging technology into Japan.

Reuters on Monday (March 18) quoted two anonymous people who reported the above news, and said that this move is expected to boost the Japanese semiconductor industry.

One of the people familiar with the matter revealed that TSMC is considered to introduce the COWOS (Chip on Wafer on Substrate) advanced packaging technology to Japan.People familiar with the matter said that because they are still in the early stage of discussion, they have not made decisions on the potential investment scale or timetable.

Cowos Advanced packaging technology is to pile logic chips and memory chips together, and improve the data transmission speed between the two. While saving space and reducing power consumption, it can also improve chip processing capacityEssenceAt present, all COWOS production capacity of TSMC is in Taiwan.

TSMC refused to comment on the above reports.

The President of TSMC Wei Zhejia said in January this year that the company can double the capacity of COWOS advanced packaging technology this year, and then further enhance production capacity in 2025.

TSMC introduces COWOS advanced packaging technology to Japan, and will expand the company's business in Japan.The first factory in Kumamoto Prefecture, TSMC has been unveiled last month, and is investing in the construction of the second factories locally.