The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense responded to the solicitation of one -year obligations in response to defense. The first batch of 655 service men joined the army on January 25 and received eight weeks of enlistment training. Monday (March 18th (March 18th) Starting the final assessment and assessment; they will accept projects such as physical combat skills, rifle appraisal shooting, war -wounding ambulance and other items.

Comprehensive Liberty Times, Central News Agency, and Newtalk News reported that the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense solicited a total of 9,127 one -year voluntary service men this year.From Monday to next Friday (March 22), the final test is performed.

The planning of the Ministry of National Defense, the project of the new training period includes the existing physical combat techniques, rifle appraisal shooting, and comprehensive combat coach test.Rescue and other items.

Among them, shocking education is a re -implementation simulation training. The men's men must climb the obstacles in the camp of the camp, and the trainers will continue to shoot the aircraft guns and explode the explosives to let the explosive explosives let the explosion, so that letThe service man is more familiar with the actual situation of the battlefield.

It is reported that at the end of the new training period, the test at the end of the training period is not only related to the expert's expertise, but also affects actual treatment.The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said earlier that if the non -qualified men's service men at the end of the period, they will receive a week of training for one week to implement supplementary training and supplementary tests for unqualified projects; if the overall evaluation is still unqualified after replenishment, the expertise will not be issued.Certificates must not be added to the Professional Against NT $ 800 (about NT $ 457) per month.In addition, it is necessary to report to the army and make up for unqualified projects by the troops.