The U.S. Navy announced on Tuesday (March 5) that a destroyer rolled through the Taiwan Strait, and the US PLA Eastern theater approved the US speculation.

The Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy issued a statement on the official website that a Alley Burke destroyer "Fine" on Tuesday from the Taiwan Strait on Tuesday from the south to the north, after passing the Taiwan Strait in the South China SeaSailing between the East China Sea.

Statement stated that this strait does not belong to the territorial sea of ​​any coastal country. The sailing is a routine task and has been traveling for years.

A spokesperson for the Eastern theater of the PLA of China, Shi Yi Army, criticized the United States for public speculation, and said that the Eastern theater organized sea and air forces to follow up and surveillance throughout the process, and deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations.The theater troops always maintain a high alert and deal with all threats at any time.