Nearly 300 Taiwanese were lost when they traveled to Vietnam during the Lunar New Year. It was reported that it was related to the travel agency in Taiwan without paying the local travel agency.Taiwanese officials criticized irresponsible in Taiwan's travel agencies and vowed to punish travel agencies.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times and Yi Ping News reported that 292 Taiwanese departed on the first day of the New Year (February 10) to the rich in Vietnam, participating in the Taiwan Tourism (American and Canada International Travel Agency) The five -day and four -night itinerary was arranged, but it was lost in Vietnam. There were no cars, no tour guides, and may not even have no return flights. It also had to pay $ 720 (S $ 970) to continue the itinerary.

All passengers later returned to Taiwan as scheduled at the Taiwan Tourism Agency and the Travel Industry Protection Association.WINNER, a travel agency in Taiwan, controlled the opponent's malicious abduction and malicious arrears.

When the Minister of Communications, Wang Guogu, responded on Thursday (February 15), criticized the irresponsibility of tourism in the age, and said that the disputes between the tourism and the local community in the age of the age will affect the passengers.Heavy penalties may be a fine of 10,000 to 50,000 yuan (429 to S $ 2145) according to the results of the investigation.